Why do Older Black Adults Reminisce? An Examination of Reminiscence Functions Juliette Shellman, Ph.D., Mukumbi Brown, BSN, RN, Deborah Stone, MS, RN & Karen Addison, LCSW University o f Massachusetts Lowell
The Modified Reminiscence Functions Scale Washington (2009) – Pilot with RFS and Focus Group Reading level Cultural acceptability Scoring
The MRFS Cronbach’s Alpha Principal Component Analysis 39 item, 7 factor scale – Self-regard – Death – Bitterness – Intimacy – Teach-inform – Boredom – Conversation
Specific Aims 1)Evaluate the reliability and validity of the Modified Reminiscence Function Scale. 2) Describe the patterns, and functions of reminiscence in community-dwelling older Blacks.
Sample and Setting
Preliminary Findings Reliability.94 Validity - CFA to be completed
Patterns and Functions
Implications Nursing Practice Reminiscence Research
Future Directions