Travel and Tour Operations Content and Methodology
The Philippine Tourism Industry Overview of the Philippine Tourism landscape, with descriptions of the organizational set up and functions of the leading government office directly involved in the industry. Description of the various industries in the private sector, directly involved in tourism.
Methods Presentation of the Department of Tourism organizational set-up – with the attached agencies, the heads and their functions. Presentation of the government and the private sector directly involved in tourism
Travel Agency Definition of a travel agency, its functions and revenue sources. Requirements and procedures for setting up a travel agency. Differentiation on local government license and DOT accreditation
Functions of a Travel Agency Organizational set up Functions and job descriptions of staff Marketing activities in the sales in the counter and field sales
Methods Research of small, medium or big travel agency Interview of staff/employees Visit to a travel agency – observation Group presentation and discussion
Travel Agency Operations Counter counseling Reservations – manual and automated Fare calculation Ticketing Documentation – passport, visa, immigration clearances
Methods Discussions Presentation of samples – hotel/tour vouchers, reservation slips, booking orders, etc. Role playing
Other Services Reservation procedures for: Onward flights Hotels Resorts Sightseeing tours Meetings, conventions Ad hoc packages Other requirements
Methods Case analysis Situational exercises on: Booking of flights Hotel reservations Tour packaging Other passenger requirements
Tour Operators & Tour Packages Definition, functions and revenue sources Types of Tour Operators Components of a Tour Package Types of Tour Packages
Methods Discussions Exercises on how to package a tour Presentation of tour package & its components Critiquing
Knowledge and Skills World geography 24-hour time & time zones OAG ( official airline guide) Reading the timetable
Phonetic alphabet Codes – airline, city, airport and currency Manual and automated reservations – CRS (computerized reservation system) Ticketing
Methods Bring to class – instructional aids: World map Globe Sample (used airline ticket) OAG (official airline guide) Timetable