From a 1954 edition of Popular Mechanics - a predicted home computer of 2004.


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Presentation transcript:

From a 1954 edition of Popular Mechanics - a predicted home computer of 2004

Connecting the Components Integrated base data – The National Map Coordination, standards, policy – Federal Geographic Data Committee Discovery and access – Geospatial One-Stop Optimize use of geospatial technologies – Enterprise Geospatial Information Management Coordination & Standards Data Discovery & Access Consistent & Current Content How are they different?

Charge from USGS Director, August 2004 Strategic Alignment of Activities – National leadership of highly visible, high- demand geospatial programs –Time to bring it all together! A Bold Step... Strategic Alignment of USGS Programs

NGPO Directions Unify and simplify Act as one, under one executive (Karen Siderelis, GIO) Contribute to completion of the NSDI Include partners in all aspects Be unconstrained by today or yesterday – “how we look today is not how we will look tomorrow” Bias toward action “transformation”

NGPO Core Team Govern the process Sponsor Study Teams Prepare Final Plan and Report for USGS Director “Pillars” –Ivan DeLoatch, Federal Geographic Data Committee –Mark DeMulder, Geospatial One Stop –Hank Garie, Cooperative Topographic Mapping Program –Bob Pierce, Interior Enterprise Geographic Information Management –Stan Ponce, Partnerships and External Coordination –Mark Naftzger, Emergency Operations

NGPO Study Teams Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture Geospatial Technology Integration Partnership Offices Unified NSDI Web Presence Measuring Geospatial Investments USGS Geospatial Products and Services

NGPO Purpose “Providing leadership to place reliable geographic information at the fingertips of the Nation.”

How will this vision be attained? Vision Geo-spatial Framework for Surface Water Follow a drop of water from where it falls on the land, to the stream, and all the way to the ocean. NED NHD EDNA WBD

Advisory Committee for Water Information (ACWI), Subcommittee for Spatial Water Data Information (SSWD) Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Sponsor: Subcommittee for Spatial Water Data Geo-spatial Framework for Surface Water

The National Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) Kenny Legleiter, Michael Laitta & Karen Hanson WBD Technical Team

Provide national standard framework of hydrologic units Watershed Boundary Dataset Non-politically biased Hydrologically sound consisting of Common reporting units Detailed National addressing system that are: Geo-spatial Framework for Surface Water

USFS ($6M hi-res NHD, WBD) NRCS (review, website, Hydro tools) USEPA (NHD,EDNA tools, Flow & velocity work) NOAA ( coastal watersheds) State Partners (hi-res NHD, EDNA stage 2) NWS (EDNA stage 1) USGS (Streamstats) Tools Standards Coordination Pilots Data Stewardship Subcommittee on spatial water data Geo-spatial Framework for Surface Water Partners

Subcommittee for Spatial Water Data Technical team Management team Program plan Set priorities $$ NEW! Proposed WBD Work Groups/Teams:

National WBD Status (by EPA Regions)

Great Lakes WBD Status



New York New York Watershed Boundary Commitments NRCS NYESF EPA R3 NRCS NYESF NYDEC NRCS/Titan Challenge NRCS IRT

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