Major Meta Theory Schools: The Positivists Positivists: generalizations apart from observable reality considered unacceptable Logical Positivism: statements not describing facts are metaphysical and meaningless Logical Atomism: statements also are meaningful if they are composed of simpler statements that describe empirical facts Logical Empiricism: metaphysical statements acceptable if they promote understanding empirical statements Slide 3.1
Major Meta Theory Schools: The Phenomenologists Phenomenology: immersion of oneself in the flow of experience Slide 3.2
Major Meta Theory Schools: The Constructivists Constructivism: reality constructed by the individual’s encounter with the world and the individual’s set of personal constructs or expectations Slide 3.3
Relations Among Definitions Conceptual Definitions < Constructs Operational Definitions < Selection of Variables Conceptual Definitions < Constructs Operational Definitions < Selection of Variables Slide 3.4