Exchange Rate YuYuan Liu Han Yu Yang Dennis Yue Jessica Chen Jo-Yu Mao
Introduction In finance, the foreign-exchange rate between two currencies specifies how much one currency is worth in terms of the other. It has a major impact on a country ’ s ability on importing and exporting, inflations, foreign investment, and foreign debts.
Introduction U.S. urges China to open currency exchange in order to balance import and export proportions.
Introduction Sets of data Trade-Weighted Index Japan United Kingdom Canada Dates: 1973:01 to 2006:03
Trade-Weighted Index
Regression on Time For TWI
TWI Series
Correlogram and Unit root test for TWI
First Differencing
Correlogram and Unit root test for DTWI
Fitting ARMA Model
Serial Correlation Test and Correlogram for MAone model Residuals
Diagnosis for ARMA model: Residuals Squared Series
Conditional Heteroscedasticity test: Correlogram of residuals squared and ARCH-test
Forecast of TWI
Regression on Time For Japan
Japan Series
Correlogram and Unit root test for Japan
First Differencing
Correlogram and Unit root test for DJapan
Fitting ARMA Model
Diagnosis of ARMA model: residuals graph and histogram
Diagnosis of ARMA model: Correlogram-Qstat of ARMA model & Serial correlation test
Diagnosis for ARMA model: Residuals Squared Series
Conditional Heteroscedasticity test: Correlogram of residuals squared and ARCH-test
The Arch-Garch Model
Diagnosis for ARCH model
Forecasting of Japan
Forecast of Japan
United Kingdom
Regression on Time For UK
UK Series
Correlogram and Unit root test for UK
First Differencing
Correlogram and Unit root test for DUK
Diagnosis of ARMA model: residuals graph and histogram
Diagnosis of ARMA model: Correlogram-Qstat of ARMA model & Serial correlation test
Diagnosis for ARMA model: Residuals Squared Series
Conditional Heteroscedasticity test: Correlogram of residuals squared and ARCH-test
Forecast of UK
Regression on Time For Canada
Canada Series
Correlogram and Unit root test for Canada
First Differencing
Correlogram and Unit root test for DCanada
Diagnosis of ARMA model: residuals graph and histogram
Diagnosis of ARMA model: Correlogram-Qstat of ARMA model & Serial correlation test
Diagnosis for ARMA model: Residuals Squared Series
Conditional Heteroscedasticity test: Correlogram of residuals squared and ARCH-test
Forecast of Canada
Conclusion Each of the four set shows a similar posture as against time Foreign exchange rate measures the country ’ s economic strength and currency purchasing power U.S. dollar may stay under pressure in the future year, it probably going to be less demand in Asian market, but it should be doing fine in Europe and North America
The End