Highway Functional Classification PEAR Workshop September 2009 Spencer Stevens, Planning Office Joe Hausman, Office of Highway Information Ed Christopher,


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Presentation transcript:

Highway Functional Classification PEAR Workshop September 2009 Spencer Stevens, Planning Office Joe Hausman, Office of Highway Information Ed Christopher, Resource Center

Highway Functional Classification ► What? ► Why? ► How? ► Relationship to Federal-Aid ► Relationship to Design ► October 2008 HPMS memo

What is the function of a road? ► Provides mobility (arterials) ► Provides access (locals) ► Provides both (collectors)

Relationship to service

Functional Classification?

Why classify roads? ► There are approximately 4,000,000 miles of roads in the U.S. ► Some are more “important” than others

Why classify roads? ► Helps determine which level of government has responsibility ► Influences design ► Affects how they are funded ► Impacts Federal-Aid

Rural Illustration

Rural Guides SystemVMTMiles Principal arterials 30-55%2-4% All arterials 45-75%6-12% Collectors20-35%20-25% Locals5-20%65-75%

Highway Functional Classes (Rural Miles) ► Principal arterials 132,451 (4%) ► Minor arterials137,875 (4%) ► Major collectors434,090(14%) ► Minor collectors272,047(9%) ► Local 2,096,837(68%) ► Total 3,071,331

Urban Illustration

Urban Guides SystemVMTMiles Principal arterials 40-65%5-10% All arterials 65-85%15-25% Collectors5-10%5-10% Locals10-30%65-80%

Highway Functional Classes (Urban miles) ► Principal arterials76,033(9%) ► Minor arterials90,475(10%) ► Collectors89,310(10%) ► Local 628,369(71%) ► Total 884,187

Federal-Aid ► National Highway System  Principal arterials ► Surface Transportation Program  Arterials  Urban collectors  Rural major collectors

How? ► Group population centers and major travel generators ► Identify neighboring centers ► Connect the largest directly ► Connect the next group to the major centers

How? ► Considerations:  Arterials integrated network  Spacing  Changes at urban boundaries  Trip length  Diminishing returns

Urban Boundaries ► Urban clusters  Census block population density  Secondary criteria ► Urban Places  Political boundaries ► Adjusted boundaries

Design Considerations ► AASHTO’s Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets 2001 (Green book) ► Arterials – promote mobility and restrict access ► Locals – promote access and limit mobility

Design Features ► Speed ► Levels of service ► Alignment ► Width ► Clearances ► Grades

Urban Features ► Parking ► Lighting ► Curb & Gutter ► Sidewalks ► Utilities

Access Control ► Full control  Freeway ► Partial control  Medians  Grade separation  Signal timing  Limit driveways and entrances

Access Control Methods ► Land use ordinances ► Geometric design  Medians  Spacing median openings  Frontage roads ► Direct vs. indirect access ► Single vs. multiple access

HPMS Reassessment ► October 14, 2008 memo ► Recommends revisions to highway functional classification guidebook  Downplays the Urban/Rural distinction ► New HPMS classification schema used for 2010 data reporting ► Does NOT change any Highway Functional Classification Guidance or practice

Summary ► What is the function of roads? ► Why classify the roads?  Example of impact on design ► Which roads are eligible for Federal-Aid?

Highway Functional Classification Concepts, Criteria and Procedures ► It is just a guide ► Varies in practice by state ► Functional Class boundaries are not rigid ► Some states develop supplemental criteria ►

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