1 AXIS programme status n Data: uObservations & reduction uArchival/delivery to XID-DB n Science: uImaging programme uSpectroscopic ids n Public output n Future & concerns
2 AXIS: Observations
3 AXIS: Data reduction status
4 AXIS archival and ingestion into XID-DB n Imaging data. IoA to deliver to XID-DB directly: uReduced images uSource lists uIngestion files n Spectroscopic data. IFCA to deliver to XID-DB: uReduced, wavelength and flux calibrated spectra: (object, object+sky and error arrays in FITS/ASCII format) uCalibration spectra (spectrophotometric standards) uIngestion files We have to make sure that the data becomes public simultaneously with publications!
5 AXIS imaging programme Optical: INT/WFC Near IR: INT/CIRSI (includes M. Watson’s PATT Imaging Programme & R. McMahon’s advance observations)
6 AXIS identifications (as of March 1, 2001) Plus another > 50 spectra (mostly ALFOSC) awaiting reduction
7 AXIS bright sample n Selection: uEPIC-pn exposure time > 5 ks u|b|>20 deg n 21 fields searched for sources with pn flux > 0.03 ct/s (~ erg cm -2 s -1 ) n 40 sources found: u13 identified u~25 Pending data reduction
8 AXIS galactic plane sample 3 fields opened so far:
9 AXIS medium sample Opened so far:
10 AXIS presentations AXIS seminars
11 AXIS publications & reports
12 Future & concerns n On-the-fly WFC data reduction to feed WYFFOS spectroscopic run by end Jul 01 (r’-band) n Allocated runs in semester 01B: uWHT/WYFFOS: 20 Oct-23 Oct 01 (D/G) uWHT/ISIS: 23 Jan-25 Jan 02 (B) uINT/WFC: 31 Dec Jan 02 (B/G). CIRSI not available? n Galactic Plane survey problems: lack of suitable fields