final state study Jaewon Park University of Rochester MINERvA/Jupiter Group Meeting, Jan 31, 2007
2 Processes involving with final state Proton and muon tracks will determi ne primary vertex Two gammas are from CC NC
3 ECAL for Generate single pi0 ev ent Theta=0, 20cm from U S-ECAL 200MeV to 1GeV OD hit ignored Energy summed using dE/dx weighting
4 Processes involving with final state Truth primary vertex is used Didn’t require minimum angle between two gammas I used truth information to know which gammas is associated wit h each hits. Calculate gamma’s momentum from direction and energ y
5 Sanity check Compare reconstructed gamma with truth info rmation Truth info Using center of energy Difference
6 Sanity check(2)
7 invariant mass It’ll be useful to use thi s quantity in filter out b ackground.
8 resolution Good agreement with ECAL calculation
9 Next step Do same thing with real pi0 event Determine primary vertex from proton track Scintillator bar ID can be used in stead of using truth hit position