Fascinated by computer technology Always willing to learn something new To be able to assist my current and future students
High School – Approximately › Used Apple IIc for Word Processing in Typing II class. › Used TRS-80 for learning Basic Language programming.
Online course in 2001 with Kansas City Kansas Community College › Local Area Networking Course Required internet access Required a minimum amount of posts each week Assignments and tests all submitted electronically
Using Blackboard for Off Campus Degree Program (OCDP) Students › The majority of Independent Study Students had trouble accessing Blackboard “Official” enrollment required Current password to SIU account required A “Hold” on Bursar account would block access
Notebook assigned to every student – (to be kept at the school) Homework completed on computer Technology integrated into every subject Programs such as OpenOffice.org used Increase student comfort level using computers
Teaching Online Courses › Growth potential › Enhanced online programs › Quality of Future Online Education* * Kim, K. & Bonk C.. (2006). The Future of Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: The Survey Says… Educause Quarterly. (29)22-30.