Scientific Writing II Class Business
What’s Inside Class Business Rules Regulations Requirements
Objectives Course objectives: 1)To improve your ability to efficiently access the biological literature (particularly in your specific areas of interest) 2)To improve your communication skills (particularly writing skills)
Class Business Grading: 1) Proposal pts ( 1st version* - 40 pts; 2nd** - 60 pts) 2) Research paper pts ( 1st version* - 50 pts; 2nd** - 75 pts) 3) Oral presentation pts 4) Poster Presentation.. 50 pts 5) Manuscript review pts 6) Editing exercises pts 7) Exams pts Total pts Final grades will be assigned based on total points earned: 517 – 575 = A 460 – 516 = B 402 – 459 = C 345 – 401 = D < 344 = F
Rules and Regulations All rules applied in the faculty of letters, English Department, Bina Nusantara University < 75% of the attendance will be denied his/her eligibility to pass this course No late papers/assignment
Requirements Course requirements: 1)Research proposal. This proposal should be based on a data set (unpublished) obtained from me. 2)Based on the data set, write a research paper, give an oral presentation, & present a poster. 3)Provide a detailed review of one submitted manuscript. 4)Edit 5 short papers or sections of papers. 5)Three 50-point exams based on lecture material, handouts, & Day's text
No Excuses!