Understanding Fathers’ Roles: An Evidence-Based Practice Guide for Family Therapists To apply current fathering literature to Family Therapy with adolescents To help close the Research-to-Practice gap Offer a systemic framework for working with families in which fathers are absent.
Father Absence What about when dad is absent? Treatment plans will depend on the reason for dad’s absence and the extent of mom’s support network Surrogate male role models become an important resource
When to involve fathers in therapy: Abuse? Mentally/ Physically Well? Toxic Relationship with Mom? Is a Surrogate or Fictive Kin Father Involved in the Family? Buffer for Absence of Father. Encourage Mom to Utilize Support Network. Is a Father Present in the Family? Is the Presenting Problem Best Treated Individually? Is Dad Willing and Able to Come to Therapy? Address the Problem Incorporating Dad’s Role Into the Solution! No Yes No Yes
Some reasons for Dads’ Absence Note the potential difference in the length of Dads absence Work, War, Wild Ways Death Spousal Conflict Incarceration Mental Illness
War Work and Other “Temporary” Absences Any parent needs a support network In times of stress we tend to rely more heavily on that support Uncles, neighbors, church– Community Support Some Moms may need help identifying who is willing to help
Death, Mental Illness, and other “Permanent” Absences Most likely to first need to work through grief and loss issues Parenting help for mom and role models for kids should be sought out according to when family is ready
Death, Mental Illness, and other “Permanent” Absences Main Issues for families without dads: –Financial Trouble –Support For Mom –Social/ Emotional Well Being and Development –School Performance –Risky Behaviors in Teens –Delinquency