The Cold War What was the Cold War? Ideological struggle between the US-led West and Soviet Union-led East from 1945 to about 1990 Key issues: Who was responsible for the start of the Cold War? What were the major events? Did the West win the Cold War? How?
The Atomic Bomb and the Origin of the Cold War US chose to use the bomb not only to end the war in Japan, but also to prevent Soviet role in occupation and to make them more manageable. Soviet suspicion of American monopoly Nuclear arms race heightened ideological distrust
Contrasting Interpretations on the Origins of the Cold War Official School: American government had no choice but to stand firm to a dictator, Joseph Stalin, who was ruthless at home and expansionist abroad Revisionist School: The US was bent on expansion as well, esp. economically, while the Soviets were concerned for their security
Major Events of the Cold War before the Vietnam War United Nations,1945 Containment, Marshall Plan, 1947 Berlin Blockade, 1948 NATO, 1949 First Soviet A-bomb, 1949 Chinese Communist Revolution, 1949 Korean War,
Impact at Home McCarthyism: Anti- communism and reckless accusations Loyalty oath; War hysteria; spies, the Rosenbergs; HUAC; political conservatism and social conformity; neglect of racism, poverty, women’s discontent