The Devil is in the Details! Planning out your Senior Project
Housekeeping Class is now official for Franklin LA.50 credits Cleve students should be offically in class by next week All is as I said –ALL senior projects will involve a research component. No one escapes this peril! If you did not come last week…get your proposal to me ASAP. We need to research! very quickly!
RESEARCH is a process Plagiarism Don’t copy, Own words Keep to your outline Use standard paper format --- Intro Body Conclusion The Devil is in the details…..
Outlines:Types Sequential Lists in order –such as the process of building a house or computer, or outlines how something works PCES Talks about problem, causes, effects and a solution Comparison Contrast: Compares one or more situations or gives more than one point of view
You need to decide Ask yourself which type of structure will best highlight my topic? Next build an outline Your outline may change depending on the research you find, but the main structure remains the same
Give it a try! What is a possible outline for the following topic? Education
Intro History of Main approaches Modern Issues in Conclusion Physical Creating a lesson for a kindergarten class and teaching it!
Present Time! Let’s hear what your topics are and what you have learned so far… We will vote on the best present
Great ways to use College Send yourself articles or Web links Communicate with Donna about your paper Send Donna your work Send any UB Staff messages during school
Pair up! Help each other come up with a preliminary outline One of you should type up the outline and send it to Donna by going to (see handout) Fill out your LOG sheet for Weeks 1 & 2 – list all of the things we have done the last two weeks. Log sheets are in college.
Assignment Due Week 2 Complete your introduction and begin the first part of your project paper (1 ½ or 2 pages) Find at least five articles or sources OR find two books List these sources at the bottom of your paper this, bring to SAT workshop, or bring to me at your school