Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, 2004 1 Baryonic decays of B mesons H. Kichimi Representing the Belle collaboration BEACH June28-July3,


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Presentation transcript:

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, Baryonic decays of B mesons H. Kichimi Representing the Belle collaboration BEACH June28-July3, 2004 IIT, Chicago

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, Large b-quark mass & CKM matrix elements  Large variety in B meson decays b  c W -, b  u W -, b  s qq, b  d qq b  c W -, b  u W -, b  s qq, b  d qq  Hadronizations into mesons and baryons CP and CKM studies in mesonic decays CP and CKM studies in mesonic decays New particles X(3872) and D sJ New particles X(3872) and D sJ Baryonic BFs are large, however not well studied yet.  BFs of exclusive baryonic decays  Structures in di-baryons  Structures in di-baryons  Exotic quark states ( pentaquark searches)  CP, T and CKM studies in baryonic decays B meson decays Recent results from Belle and Babar are presented.

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, ~1 km in diameter  / K L detection 14/15 lyr. RPC+Fe Central Drift Chamber small cell +He/C 2 H 5 CsI(Tl) 16X 0 Aerogel Cherenkov cnt. n=1.015~1.030 Si vtx. det. 3 lyr. DSSD TOF conter SC solenoid 1.5T 8 GeV e GeV e + Belle detector 8 GeV e - x 3.5 GeV e 1.2A x 1.2A x 1.6A L peak = 1.39 x sec -1 cm -2 ( June 3 ) Mt. Tsukuba KEKB Belle KEKB and the Belle detector 400 members 59 institutes 13 countries Belle collaboration

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, PEP-II and the BaBar detector 9 GeV e - x 3 GeV e 1.5A x 2.3A L peak = 0.92 x sec -1 cm -2 PEP-II BaBar

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, Luminosity competition KEKB 280 fb -1 PEPII 220 as of June 22 KEKB monthly luminosity 0.94fb -1 /day 22 fb -1 /month 123 fb -1 /year This report is based on the data taken by July 2003 BaBar 124 fb -1 Belle 150 fb -1 July2003 Integrated luminosity (logged) KEKB : x ( June3) PEP-II: x (May21) Peak luminosity history

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, Contents of this talk 1.Charmfull baryonic B decays b  c (W - ) Tree b  c (W - ) Tree B 0   c + p B 0   c + p B -   c + p   B -   c + p   B 0   c + p     B 0   c + p     B 0  D 0(*) p p B 0  D 0(*) p p BF and di-baryon mass BF and di-baryon mass 2. Charmless baryonic B decays b  s (qq) Penguin b  s (qq) Penguin b  u (W - ) Tree b  u (W - ) Tree BF and di-baryon mass BF and di-baryon mass 3. Searches for pentaquarks W  b u u c d s g b s (d) u d s c b c u c d s W 

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, Charged track momentum & IP, Vee-vertex and B-vertex Si-VTX & CDC Particle ID  /K/proton CDC/ACC/TOF (Belle) DIRC (BaBar)  and K L 0 multi-layers of RPC + Fe e and  CsI(Tl) calorimeters B-signal selection 1 B-event-shape parameter to suppress continuum background Fox-Wolfram moments, cos  thrust or Fisher discriminant of those prms Energy difference :  E = E B – E beam   ~ 10 MeV Beam constrained B mass : M bc = E beam 2 – p B 2 B-B from  (4S) at GeV/c 2 in the CMS   ~ 3 MeV/c 2 4-vector measurement B-signal selection

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3,  E = E B - E beam M bc = E beam 2 – p B fb -1 B 0   c + p  +  - Single Gaussian plus ARGUS function Double Gaussian plus Linear bkgnd M(  c +  p     ) mass B-signal box |  E|<30 MeV M bc >5.27GeV/c 2 Data  ~ 3 MeV/c 2 B-signal selection 2 Mass window ±14MeV/c 2 569±39

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, B0c+pB0c+p  Br = ( 2.19 ±0.32±0.57 ) x  Stat. Sys. Error of Br (  c + ) First observation of baryonic 2-body decay Belle : PRL 90, (2003) 78 fb -1 b c duuu d d B0B0B0B0 cccc p 1. Charmfull decays b c ud W 

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, B 0  D (*)0 p p D 0  K -  + D 0  K -  +  -  + D 0  K -  +   B 0  D 0 pp B 0  D 0* pp 89 Belle: PRL 89, (2002) 29.4 fb evnts 24.2evnts 34.2evnts 8.9  5.6  5.1  total 19.3 evnts 5.6  D *0  D 0  0 b c ud W 

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, B 0  D (*)0 p p 89 Belle: PRL 89, (2002) 29.4 fb ±0.15± ±0.21 B +  D + pp B +  D + pp < 0.15 x B +  D* + pp B +  D* + pp < 0.15 x B 0  D 0 pp B 0  D* 0 pp x These decays are not allowed by b  c transitions ( B yields by  E fit ) b c ud W 

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, B -   c + p  - 233±19 signals  C (2455) 0  C (2520) 0 sideband Belle: new results 140 fb -1 B -   c + p  - 19.8±1.9 B -   c p 3.64 B -   c p 1.19 BF x ~ 25% of the total (  c + p  - ) BF Preliminary Observation of a new 2-body decay ( as of Moriond QCD2004 ) b c ud W 

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, (  c + p) mass  C + p) M(  c +  -)>2.6 & M(p  -) >1.6GeV/c 2 to remove  c(2455/2520) &  (1232) B signals by  E fit for each mass bin B -   c + p  - M(  c + p) structure Br = ( 3.79 ) x  BW = 0.15±0.05 Mass = 3.32±  significance  C 0  C +  - ) Preliminary 75±17evnts ( as of Moriond QCD2004 ) Phase space function

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, MC helicity  2 /nd Solid line : Dashed line : B -   c + p  - by  E fit for each cos  bin by  E fit for each cos  bin Helicity distribution of the (  c + p) system ( <3.6GeV/c 2 ) data: dots MC : histograms Preliminary c+c+  (  c + p) direc. B - at rest Helicity angle p  c + p) at rest

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, B 0   c + p  -  -  c ++ (2455)  c 0 (2455)  c ++ (2520)  c 0 (2520) M(  c +  ) Intermediate 3-body decays Belle 140 fb -1 B 0   c + p     10.44±0.71 ±1.25 ±2.71 (*1) B 0   c (2455) ++ p    1.25±0.21 ±0.15 ± ±0.21 ±0.15 ±0.33 B 0   c (2455) 0 p    1.11±0.20 ±0.13 ± ±0.20 ±0.13 ±0.29 B 0   c (2520) ++ p    1.04±0.23 ±0.13 ± ±0.23 ±0.13 ±0.27 B 0   c (2520) 0 p    0.44±0.16 ±0.05 ± ±0.16 ±0.05 ± ± ± ± ±9.0 M(  c +   )+c.c. M(  c +   )+c.c. (*1) total BF Preliminary x

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, B 0  (  c + p)    -  C ++/0 (2455/2520) excluded B -  (  c + p)  - B Signals by  E fit consistent with 4-body MC phase space, however fine structures however fine structures ? MC 4-body phase space Preliminary M(  c + p) structure in 3, 4 body decays

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, BFs for Charmfull decays B 0   c + p     10.44±0.71 ±1.25 ±2.71 (*1) B 0   c (2455) ++ p    1.25±0.21 ±0.15 ± ±0.21 ±0.15 ±0.33 B 0   c (2455) 0 p    1.11±0.20 ±0.13 ± ±0.20 ±0.13 ±0.29 B 0   c (2520) ++ p    1.04±0.23 ±0.13 ± ±0.23 ±0.13 ±0.27 B 0   c (2520) 0 p    0.44±0.16 ±0.05 ± ±0.16 ±0.05 ±0.11 UL UL BF x B -   c + p    1.98 ± ± 0.19 B -   c (2455) 0 p  0.36 ± ± 0.07 B -   c (2520) 0 p  0.12 ± ± 0.06 B 0   c + p  0.22 ±0.03± ±0.03± body decay 3-body decays 2-body decays (*1) total Br. Preliminary Strong suppression of lower multiplicity decays BF(2-body)<<BF(3-body)<<BF(4-body) ~1/10 : 1 : ~10 Stat, sys and error in BF(  c +  p K -   ) (PRL90) Belle new 140 fb -1

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, B 0  p   - Peaked at threshold Belle: PRL 90, (2003) 78 fb  39.2 evnts MC Phase Space B 0  p   - ( 3.97 ±0.56 ) x10 -6 B 0  p  K - < 8.2 x 10 B 0  p  0  - < 3.8 x g b s u d 2. Charmless decays

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, B +  p p K + B +  p p K ±0.54 B +  p p  + B +  p p  ±0.21 B 0  p p K 0 B 0  p p K ±0.19 B +  p p K *+ B +  p p K *+ 6.7 B +  pp  + B o  ppK s 0 B +  ppK *+ B +  ppK + B +  p p h + MC phase space BF x Belle: PRL 92, (2004) 78 fb -1 PRL 88, (2002) 29 fb -1 (1)Peaked at threshold (2) BF( pp K ) > BF( pp  ) consistent with BF(  K) > BF(  ) (3) BF( pp K 0 ) < BF( pp K + ) different from mesonic cases (M pp <2.85GeV/c 2 to exclude charm) g b s, d u d W  b u ud 95.4 evnts 15.3     First observation in baryonic decay

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, B +   K + B +     22.9 evnts (M  <2.85) threshold peaking Charmonium excluded B +    B +   ±0.38 B +   + < BF x MC phase space Belle New 140fb -1 no signal g b s ss  First observation of b  s s s decay Hep-ex/ submitted to PRL

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, B +  p p K + BaBar 80 fb -1 g b s u d Belle: (4.89 ±0.54)x10 -6 (M pp <2.85GeV/c 2 ) Preliminary

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, B 0  p p BaBar : PRD69, (R) (2004) Dotted curves : signals for Br=1x10 -6 < 2.7 x for B 0  p p BaBar 90% CL 80 fb -1 b u duuu d d B0B0B0B0 p p no evidence yet W  b u ud Br = ( 2.19 ±0.32±0.57 ) x B 0   c + p (Belle) Belle : PRD65, (R) (2002) 29 fb -1 Belle 90% CL < 1.2 x for pp < 1.2 x for pp < 1.0 x for  < 1.0 x for  < 2.2 x for p  < 2.2 x for p  1. Strong suppression relative to 3-body decay by ~1/10, as observed in b  c. Br = ( ) x Br = ( 1.76 ±0.21 ) x B +  p p  + (Belle) Consistent with the ratio of Vub/Vcb.

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, Mode Mode BaBar BaBar Belle Belle type type B 0  p p < 0.27 < 0.27 < 1.2 < 1.2 b  u u d b  u u d B 0   < 1.0 < 1.0 b  d s s b  d s s B 0  p  < 2.2 < 2.2 b  s u u b  s u u B 0  p  ± ±0.56 b  s u u b  s u u B 0  p    - < 3.8 < 3.8 b  s u u b  s u u B 0  p  K - < 8.2 < 8.2 b  d s s b  d s s B +  p p K + 5.7± 0.7± ± 0.7± ± ±0.54 b  s u u, s d d b  s u u, s d d B +  p p K * b  s u u, s d d b  s u u, s d d B 0  p p K ± ±0.19 b  s u u, s d d b  s u u, s d d B 0  p p K *0 < 7.6 < 7.6 b  s u u, s d d b  s u u, s d d B +  p p  ± ±0.21 b  u u d b  u u d B +   K ± ±0.36 b  s s s b  s s s B +   + < 2.8 < 2.8 b  d s s b  d s s B 0  J/   p < 26 < 26 < 41 < 41 b  c c s b  c c s B 0  J/  p  p < 1.9 < 1.9 b  c c d b  c c d x BFs for Charmless Decays M(pp) < 2.85GeV to remove charm 90% CL 2-bodys 3-bodys New

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, Searches for pentaquarks BaBar : Inclusive searches for  +,  5  and N 5 Belle searches will be reported in PQ04.  + (1540)  p Ks     p Ks

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, BaBar-1 : Inclusive search for  + (1540)  Ks p 1.6 – 1.8 GeV/c 2  c + (2285) 1.44 – 1.60 GeV/c 2  + (1540)  +  Ks p 1.8 – 3.0 GeV/c 2  c + signal only     Ks p Preliminary  (M  ) ~ 2MeV/c 2 for all p* with eff. ~16% Ks from I.P. M Ks ±10MeV/c 2 eff. ~26% M(Ks p)  M  c+ ) =5~7MeV/c 2 (FWHM) Data-MC in good agreement No evidence All mass region : GeV/c 2 98K evnts in  c + region 123 fb -1

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, m  m                          No signals observed Preliminary          c 0 (2470)  0 (1532) 124 fb -1     ,   p   : 258K     ,   p   : 8.7K        : 16.9K  c       : 4.2K BaBar-2 Inclusive searches for  5  and N 5 Hadrons 556M evnts

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, m  K+ m  Ks m  K-        5     Ks  5     Ks No signals observed 124 fb -1 Preliminary          - (1672)  C 0 (2470)  5     K +  C + (2285) N50N50 N50N50  c      :     K  : (evnts) Inclusive searches for  5  and N 5 continued    p   : 10 x Ks      : 2 x 10 +6

Baryonic decays of B mesons. H.Kichimi, June28-July3, Summary 1. A low mass (  c + p) structure in B -   c + p  - mass = 3.32±0.02 GeV/c 2  BW = 0.15 ± 0.05 GeV/c 2 mass = 3.32±0.02 GeV/c 2  BW = 0.15 ± 0.05 GeV/c 2 BF (  c + p structure) ~ 20% of the 3-body decay BF (  c + p structure) ~ 20% of the 3-body decay 2. BFs for 2, 3 and 4-body decays are measured precisely. Strong suppression of lower multiplicity decays. Strong suppression of lower multiplicity decays. BF(2-body) << BF(3-body) << BF(4-body) BF(2-body) << BF(3-body) << BF(4-body) 3. b  s s s : B +   K + is observed. b  u u d : B +  p p  + b  u u d : B +  p p  + 4. Threshold peaking behavior of (pp) (p  and (   masses  in charmless 3-body decays. 5. Searches for pentaquarks at Belle and BaBar. No positive evidence. ULs will be reported at PQ04. No positive evidence. ULs will be reported at PQ04.