Bureau of Public Transportation Overview for the Governor’s Commission on the Reorganization of the Department of Transportation September 6, 2007 Peter A. Richter, Jr. Bureau Chief, Public Transportation
2 Bureau of Public Transportation MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Bureau of Public Transportation is for the development, maintenance, and operation of a safe and efficient system of motor carrier and rail facilities for the movement of people and goods, such as bus transit, rail operations and ridesharing programs.
3 Bureau of Public Transportation Strategic Objectives Maintain existing systems to a state of good repair and enhance system safety and security Review transit governance to improve efficiency and enhance management effectiveness Expand bus and rail services to capture a greater share of existing markets and capture specific new markets
4 Public Transportation in Connecticut Unique service delivery model Impact of transit on Connecticut economy Role in helping ConnDOT achieve mobility mission
5 Connecticut Public Transportation Large service organization - $491M in annual operating expenses, $175M ConnDOT subsidy Annual rail and bus – approximately 72,000,000 passenger trips 92,000 annual scheduled trains; 3,200,000 annual scheduled buses 53 rail maintenance and passenger facilities; 10 bus maintenance and 5 major bus passenger facilities operated Ownership and operation of over 300 rail vehicles and over 1,065 buses and vans
6 Public Bus Services
7 Statewide Bus System Profile Total Bus Transit System CTTRANSIT, Express Bus, Transit Districts, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Dial-a-Ride and Shuttle Services –Annual passenger trips - 36,320,000 –Annual revenues - $38,320,000 –Annual expenses - $153,280,000 –Total annual subsidy - $114,960,000 –ConnDOT share of annual subsidy - $110,280,000
8 Commuter Rail Services New Haven Line and three Branch Lines 35 Stations 35,000,000 Annual Passenger Trips Shore Line East 8 Stations 460,000 Annual Passenger Trips
9 Rail Passenger System Profile New Haven Line (NHL) –Weekday trains = 281/day, Saturday = 175 trains, Sunday = 146 trains –Annual passenger trips - 35,000,000 –Annual revenues - $240,800,000 –Annual expenses - $328,300,000 –Total annual subsidy - $87,500,000 –CDOT share of annual subsidy - $56,800,000 Shore Line East (SLE) –Weekday trains = 21 (Mon.-Thurs.), 23 (Fri.), no weekend service –Annual passenger trips - 460,000 –Annual revenues - $1,300,000 –Annual expenses - $9,600,000 –Total annual subsidy - $8,300,000
10 Rail Freight Service
11 Rail Freight System Profile Over 50,000 carloads (four million tons) originate or terminate annually in Connecticut Eight rail freight carriers in Connecticut ConnDOT’s rail freight initiatives –Gross Receipts Tax Exemption Program –Rail Preservation and Improvement Program –Relay track materials from passenger lines –Acquisition of abandoned rights of way
12 Capital Improvement Program Annual Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Formula Funds ($90M) State provides the non-federal share for most rail and bus capital improvements Annual State Bond Authorization ($41M) Special Authorizations Other funding sources
13 Major Capital Improvements Bus –New Britain-Hartford Busway –CTTRANSIT Fleet Replacement –CTTRANSIT New Haven Division Maintenance Facility
14 Major Capital Improvements Rail –M8 Rail Car Procurement –New Haven Maintenance Facility Complex –NHL Overhead Catenary Wire Replacement –Railroad Movable Bridge Rehabilitation and Replacement
15 Organization Description Public service organization structured around business units (Rail/Bus) –Financial Management –Operations Administration –Capital Improvement Administration Historical perspective of the services provided Organizational interdependencies
16 Bureau of Public Transportation Organization Chart
17 Bureau of Public Transportation Organization Chart
18 Office of Fiscal Administrative Services 19 Employees
19 Office of Fiscal Administrative Services Administrative/Financial Planning Capital Planning –20 year Transit Capital Project Management Plan –Bond Commission submittals –Biennial budget submissions and mid-term updates –Local and state plan and program coordination
20 Office of Fiscal Administrative Services Administrative/Financial Planning Agreements Processing –Coordinate the development, review and processing of all agreements and addenda including operating and capital –Track through an evolving database over 400 agreements and 300 addenda annually to ensure proper execution and proper inclusion in CORE
21 Office of Fiscal Administrative Services Administrative/Financial Planning Grants Management –Prepare all grant activities and required quarterly progress reports through FTA’s reporting system –Oversee ConnDOT’s funding involvement in FTA grant activities undertaken by the Transit Districts –Provide liaison with FTA in coordination of all grants management activities, State Management and Triennal Review, Procurement Reviews, and regularly scheduled Progress Review meetings –Prepare/Coordinate National Transit Database, Disadvantage Business Enterprise, and Title VI Reporting requirements
22 Office of Fiscal Administrative Services Contract Administration Operations Accounting –Process all CORE receivers (invoices) and maintain subsidy payment records –Record/Reconcile daily revenue deposits for CTTRANSIT and State-operated rail station parking –Provide customer service to vendors regarding payment status –Coordinate NHL and SLE operating and capital audits
23 Office of Fiscal Administrative Services Contract Administration Fiscal Administration –Manage and report on annual funding sources –Coordinate all CORE activities –Administer annual Personal Services, Other Expenses and Equipment budgets
24 Bureau of Public Transportation Organization Chart
25 Office of Transit and Rideshare 30 Employees
26 Office of Transit and Rideshare Program Design and Project Implementation Community Advocacy –Liaison to the Connecticut Public Transportation Commission (CPTC) –Represent the Bureau of Public Transportation on several interagency committees –Coordinate changes to ConnDOT’s taxi, livery, motor bus and household goods moving regulations
27 Office of Transit and Rideshare Program Design and Project Implementation Regulatory and Compliance –Licenses and regulates the taxicab, livery, motor bus and household goods carrier industries in Connecticut. Processing applications from all regulated industries Issuing intrastate motor bus authorities Registering interstate authorities for motor bus Maintaining proper records Monitoring and enforcing ConnDOT regulations on the industries Reviewing company financial information and approving rates and tariffs
28 Office of Transit and Rideshare Program Design and Project Implementation Bus Capital Projects –ConnDOT-Owned Bus Facilities –Transit District Maintenance Facilities –Alternative Fuel Vehicle Program for Municipalities
29 Office of Transit and Rideshare Program Design and Project Implementation Marketing and Transportation Demand Management –Statewide marketing for ConnDOT Commuter Services (bus, rail and ridesharing) –Outreach to employers –Ridesharing (carpool/vanpool) –Online incentive-based ridesharing –NuRide.com –Telecommuting support services - TelecommuteCT.com –Commuter tax benefit - CommuterTaxBenefit.org –Customer information systems
30 Office of Transit and Rideshare Transit Development and Support Services Contract Services and Support –CTTRANSIT –Urban and rural transit districts –ADA paratransit –Express bus system –Statewide transit system support services –Bus service development and review –Intercity bus –Liaison for planning studies statewide
31 Office of Transit and Rideshare Transit Development and Support Services Project Development –Federal Initiatives Mandated statewide planning for coordinating public transit and human service agency transportation. Must include at least the following programs: –Job Access and Reverse Commute – Access to jobs for low-income workers –Section 5310 – Vehicle grants for agencies serving the elderly and people with disabilities –New Freedom – Expanded service for people with disabilities; beyond ADA mandates United We Ride – Coordination of federally-funded human service agency transportation programs –State Initiatives Municipal Grant Program – Grants to towns for paratransit serving elderly and people with disabilities Busway – Liaison to project for all operating, bus capital, station design, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) issues and federal New Starts reporting –Liaison for various planning studies statewide
32 Bureau of Public Transportation Organization Chart
33 Office of Rail 51 Employees
34 Office of Rail Rail Design and Construction Design and Construction –Enlist services of consulting engineering firms; develop scopes, direct and oversee work; and ensure compliance with FTA requirements. –Administer construction contracts –Administer inspection of State-owned railroad bridges –Oversee work performed by railroad forces (e.g. track programs, bridge repairs)
35 Office of Rail Rail Operations Property Administration and Control –Line Property Management Management and oversight responsibility for 600+/- license, lease, and entry agreements –Stations and Business Development Primary management and oversight responsibility for 43 rail station facilities Preparation of all station operation and maintenance agreements
36 Maintenance of Infrastructure –Oversee maintenance activities that are performed by the designated railroad operator –Monitor railroad bridge maintenance –Respond to public complaints regarding railroad rights of way Office of Rail Rail Operations
37 Office of Rail Rail Operations Maintenance of Equipment –Project management M8 rail car procurement M2 major systems replacement program Mafersa (VRE) equipment repair modification project Locomotive and coach overhauls/procurements –Oversee consultant staff –Compliance with FTA guidelines
38 Office of Rail Rail Operations Operations –Oversee the New Haven Line commuter rail service operated by Metro-North Railroad and Shore Line East commuter rail service operated by Amtrak –Provide monthly safety program for state employees and consultants related to railroad dangers and issues –Liaison with freight railroads operating in Connecticut –Liaison for planning studies
39 Office of Rail Rail Operations Security –Manage and administer transit security program and direct rail emergency preparedness and contingency planning Plan and participate in disaster simulation exercises and evacuation drills Prepare, submit and administer transit security federal grants Plan and administer transit system capital improvement projects that provide security enhancements to rail facilities Monitor security projects and oversee federal reporting requirements to ensure compliance with federal regulations/guidelines Represent the Department and establish strong communication contact with transit security partners and other public transportation groups
40 Rail Regulatory and Compliance –Responsibility for Connecticut General Statute requirements –Investigation of at-grade railroad crossing accidents and fatalities –Maintenance of railroad/highway at-grade crossing inventory records –Inspections of all new and reconstructed public and private railroad/highway at-grade crossings to ensure compliance with federal and State requirements Office of Rail Rail Regulatory
41 Organizational Interdependencies External –Office of the Governor –Other State Agencies –Federal Agencies –Service Contractors –RPOs/MPOs –Advocacy Groups –Towns Internal –Office of the Commissioner –Bureau of Engineering and Highway Operations –Bureau of Policy & Planning –Bureau of Finance & Administration
42 Bureau of Public Transportation Who we are – What we do Large service organization Efficient structure of services –Operating –Capital Connecticut public transportation promotes a balanced, efficient transportation system