Unit 4: Weather
“Looking for Trends” Weather Data Collection Project Everyday during the unit, you will write down weather data at the beginning of class Everyday during the unit, you will write down weather data at the beginning of class You will use this data to make plots and look for trends and relationships between the different weather variables You will use this data to make plots and look for trends and relationships between the different weather variables Gates-Chili High School Gates-Chili High School Gates-Chili High School Gates-Chili High School
Weather What is it? What is it? – The state (or conditions) of the atmosphere at a specific place and time Variables: Variables: –Temperature –Dew Point Temperature –Relative Humidity –Barometric Pressure –Wind Speed –Wind Direction –Cloud Cover
Weather (cont.) Examples Examples –It is 54°F outside –It’s cloudy and snowing –Other examples??? Non-examples Non-examples –This past December was the snowiest on record –June in Rochester had higher average temperatures than July –Other examples???
Plans for Tomorrow