PLAN Morning Talk – Long Base Line Neutrino Oscillations – 1) Beam line & brief description of detector 2) Neutrino interaction signal Afternoon talk – Nucleon Decay 1)Effects of detector medium, depth, location – on Nucleon Decay sensitivity and detection of prompt and relic SN neutrinos 2)Limited comparison of various detector proposals
Neutrino Oscillation Fundamentals 1) Unoscillated interaction rate ~ (Beam power) x (Detector Mass)/L 2 2) Detect & Measure: a) Energy distribution of after oscillation b) Energy distribution of e due to oscillation 3) Backgnd – e from decay of K + e + + e & e from decay of + e + + + e
Comparison of SuperK with Homestake “Megaton Array” Super K -22.7kton fiducial volume Depth – 2700mwe 20 inch dia PMTs Stainless steel tank- problem with Gd Homestake – 3 (or more) modules-each 100kton fiducial volume Depth – 4200mwe 10.5 inch dia PMTs- improved design – photocathode eff & pressure resistance No metal tank – can add Gd
Fermilab Beam Power Options7 1) Present – 0.7 Megawatts ( of protons) 2) SNuMI – 1.2 Megawatts 3) Project X – 2.0 Megawatts
Near detector There will be a near detector for the NuMI/Homestake beam line. There are many choices: as an example, the HiRESMnu (Ref: Misra) design is costed to be ~$13M. This cost should be part of the beam line cost. A 1 ton liquid argon TPC is also a possibility. Several of the proponents are experts at this analysis from other experiments. We assert that a high resolution near detector is far more than adequate for our purposes. The event rate will be ~1/ton/10µsec pulse. This can be handled by any modern system.
One time costs over the next 3 yrs for the entire facility for the megaton- detector. ItemCostSource Chamber design and coring $0.76MLaurenti Access tunnels$4.5MLaurenti Contingency$2.6M50% of above Mining + other equip.$10.0MLaurenti PMT+Elec. R&D$4.0M Prel. Eng.+Subcontracts Water/materials R&D$2.0MPreliminary Contingency (non-civil)$3.2MEquip. has quotes Total$27.1MFY2007
Summary cost for 100kT(do not triple for 300kT) ItemCostSource Single Cavity construction $28.1M*Laurenti contingency 30%$8.4MPreliminary Reviews PMT(50000 chan)$46.7MAuger, NNN05, etc. Electronics, cables$10.65MUPenn+SNO Installation$8.75MConceptual Water, DAQ, testing, etc.$11.4M Quote, made for 300kT Contingency(non-civil)$25.0M>30% for some items Total$139MFY2007
Oscillation Lengths For E = 1 GeV, L 23 = 494 km( disappearance) L 13 = 15,420km ( e appearance) Thus, e amplitude grows linearly with distance over any Earth based oscillation path. Since e from K + and + decays ~1% of flux, want beam path ~ 1/10 L 13 or ~ 1500 km. for signal/bkgnd ~ 10.
Total event rate with 300 kT and 2 MW ~ cc evts/yr ( yr~2x10 ⁷ sec) (no oscillations, raw events)
Spectra with 300 kT detector and 2MW beam from FNAL NormalReversed sin²2θ ₁₃ = 0.04, 300kT, 1300 km, 60 GeV 3yrs neutrinos & 3yrs antineutrinos sig~1214 sig~394 sig~564 sig~564 sig~627 Mark Dierckxsens(UChicago), Mary Bishai(BNL)
Ultimate Reach Mark Dierckxsens(UChicago), Mary Bishai(BNL) Mass ordering θ ₁₃ CP Violation 60 GeV, 2MW, 3+3 yrs, 300kT stat+ 5%syst % coverage at 3 sigma
Spectra with 100 kT detector and 1 MW beam from FNAL sin²2θ ₁₃ = 0.04, 100kT, 1300 km, ~ 1 MW 60GeV 3yrs neutrinos and 3yrs antineutrinos and 3yrs antineutrinos NormalReversed s ~ 400 evt Total rate of events ~30k/yr noosc/raw evts s~210s~100 s~60s~100
Reach with 100 kT water Cherenkov Mass ordering θ ₁₃ 60 GeV, 1MW, 3+3 yrs, 100kT stat+5% syst % coverage at 3 sigma 0.025
Same plots detail θ13 Mass 2 sigma Same exposure in MW*10 ⁷ sec as previous plot 3 yrs
100kT water Cherenkov CP reach
Spectra with 100 kT detector and 1 MW beam from FNAL sin²2θ ₁₃ = 0.04, 100kT, 1300 km, ~ 1 MW 120 GeV (0.5deg) 3yrs neutrinos, 3yrs antineutrinos NormalReversed Total rate of CC neutrino events ~18k/MW/yr noosc/raw evts nu antinu
Mass hierarchy sensitivity NOvA (18kT) Homestak e 100kT 95 % C.L. ref:NuFact normal hierarchy only 0.11 The homestake project is almost an order of magnitude better for mass hierarchy determination for same running
Mass hierarchy sensitivity NOvA (18kT) Homestak e 100kT 95 % C.L. ref:NuFact reverse hierarchy only The homestake project is almost an order of magnitude better for mass hierarchy determination for same running
Sensitivity to Sin²2θ ₁₃ NOvA (18kT) Homestak e 100kT 3 sigma ref:NuFact
Developing Collaboration Proposal for an Experimental Program in Neutrino Physics and Proton Decay in the Homestake Laboratory This is the author list of hep-ex/ August 2006
Value of sin²2θ ₁₃ for 50% coverage in CP phase Homestake 100kT NOvA 18kT Mass hierarchy sin²2θ ₁₃ Running conditions: 120 GeV, 1 MW for 3 yrs nu and 3yrs antinu The homestake project is almost an order of magnitude better for mass hierarchy determination for same running