Mattabesset River Watershed Management Plan Julie Foley
Watershed Statistics 45,000-acres 45,000-acres 90,000 residents 90,000 residents 3 counties and 10 town municipalities 3 counties and 10 town municipalities 1,630 acres of wetlands in the watershed 1,630 acres of wetlands in the watershed Introduction
Land Use 65% zoned for residential 65% zoned for residential 18.3% impervious cover 18.3% impervious cover Introduction
CT River Watch Program Volunteer-based CRWP founded in 1992 Volunteer-based CRWP founded in 1992 Build awareness of river resources Build awareness of river resources Collect scientifically credible data Collect scientifically credible data Introduction
Plan Focus Ultimate goal to restore the river to a fishable and swimmable condition. Ultimate goal to restore the river to a fishable and swimmable condition. Nine-goal management plan Nine-goal management plan –Water resources –Land use –Education and outreach –Funding and partnership needs
Vision Statement
Water Quality Monitoring Yearly monitoring since 1992 Yearly monitoring since 1992 Water chemistry and bacteria Water chemistry and bacteria Problems with bacteria, nutrients and metals Problems with bacteria, nutrients and metals Macroinvertibrates indicate moderate to severe WQ and habitat degradations Macroinvertibrates indicate moderate to severe WQ and habitat degradations State of the Watershed
TMDL Sources of indicator bacteria include point and nonpoint sources – –Stormwater runoff, animal waste, natural sources (wildlife), illicit discharges, failed collection systems, and poor septic systems. Implementation Plan – MS4 Permits Monitoring Plan State of the Watershed
Dams and Impoundments Multiple drinking water reservoirs Multiple drinking water reservoirs Three industrial impoundments impede fish migration Three industrial impoundments impede fish migration –Two inactive industrial dams (cooling and hydroelectric) –One actively utilized as a cooling pond State of the Watershed
Stream Walk Study Results <25’ stream buffers are common <25’ stream buffers are common Most common land use adjacent to streams is suburban development Most common land use adjacent to streams is suburban development Notable stream bank erosion Notable stream bank erosion Prevalent in stream algal growth Prevalent in stream algal growth Stormwater discharge pipes causing impairments Stormwater discharge pipes causing impairments State of the Watershed
Plan Implementation District, municipalities, landowners, businesses, federal and state environmental agencies, and environmental organizations District, municipalities, landowners, businesses, federal and state environmental agencies, and environmental organizations Three Phases Three Phases 1.Outreach and education (< 2 years) 2.Implement funded projects (2-5 years) 3.Long term follow-up projects (5-10 years) The Plan
Plan Organization The Plan Goal Goal –State goal and problem definition Phase Phase –I, II and III; each has separate objective Objective Objective –State objectives Supporting tasks Supporting tasks –List tasks required to address goal
Management Plan for the Mattabesset River Watershed, rcoastal/riverwatch/about.htm attbasintmdlfinal.pdf