Disaster Protection and Recovery By: Michael Morrell Ross Ashenfelter Teresa Furnish Karla Maddox
Disaster Prevention and Recovery Effective Backup Procedures Natural Disaster Theft Hard Drive Recovery
What to Backup Partial Backup Only includes data and selected applications Full Backup Includes everything on your system.
Partial vs. Full Backup Partial Backup Full Backup Backup Time ShorterLonger Cost of Media LowerHigher Restore Times LongerShorter
Which to Choose? Depends on the business –Off the shelf software? Partial back-up –Highly customized software? Full back-up
When to Backup Continuous Data Protection – incremental backups every few minutes. Daily – incremental nightly backups of only the information that has changed since the last full backup. Weekly – complete backup (full or partial) Monthly – not a very good idea.
Factors to Consider Number of transactions in a given period of time. Budget constraints. Common practice is weekly backups with nightly incremental backups.
Storage Media Tape + Portable -Expensive to set up -Storage requirements Contract with off-site company Send home with employees!?! -High failure rate
Storage Media External Hard Drive +Easy to use -More expensive to set up -Hard drives are fragile
On-line Backup +Restore from any location +Easy to set-up -Can be expensive -Requires high speed access
Off Site Backup Hot Sites – a space with computers, phone lines and other equipment available already configured to the company’s system. Warm Sites – a space available with computers and phone lines. Cold Site – a space available to bring equipment. Quick Ship – agreements with vendors to fast track shipments. Mobile Sites – a hot site on wheels!
Perfect world Continuous Data Protection over a dedicated broadband line to a Hot Site located within a reasonable traveling distance.
The Bottom Line Use any method! Determine how often and how much of your company’s data needs to be backed up. BACK IT UP! Test your backups Store them off-site.
IT Disasters and Prevention Disaster Scenarios Disaster Prevention Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) Test the Backup Questions to ask yourself - Are you prepared?
Disaster Scenarios Programming bug corrupts the data Chemical spill prevents access to the office Fire/Flood destroys on site data Destruction of data by disgruntled employees Hard disk failure Defective backup media
Disaster Prevention Business continuity Business impact analysis Risk analysis Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)
Take copy home Establish off-site courier pick-up Every six months, retain the most recent backup for permanent off-site storage Periodically test backups and the DRP
Test the Backup Regardless of the method or media the company chooses, the backup must be tested on a regular schedule. Restore the backup completely to insure that all data is retrievable and usable.
Questions to ask yourself Are you prepared? Do we back up data on a regular basis? Do we keep a copy off-site? Would we have access to the data if we couldn’t get to the office? Is our software included in our company’s business continuity plan?
Theft Scott Levine - Snipermail –8 yrs in prison for theft of up to a billion data files. Lexar (USB & memory cards) –Awarded $465mil from Toshiba Providence –Theft of patient files How do we prevent these types of thefts from happening in our business?
Answer Identify most valuable information Policies Procedures
Providence Health “We are doing a review of all of our procedures,” spokesman Gary Walker said Friday. “Why did we have records that long? And did we need to have them that long? Those are good questions. We’re looking for the answers.” –Oregonian Feb. 25, 2006
Information Recovery Expensive – –$250 Evaluation –$3,000-9,000 for a single 10Gb HD Loss of Time –1 week minimum Source: ADR Data Recovery
It is possible! m/index.html
Conclusion Back up often!!!! Test the backup Make those backups off-site