RF Triangulator: Indoor/Outdoor Location Finding Architecture Proposal Giovanni Fonseca David Fu Amir Ghiti Stephen Roos Design Manager: Myron Kwai Overall Project Objective: Design a Radio-Frequency indoor/outdoor navigation system, utilizing the existing wireless infrastructure. Design Stage Objective: LVS of all functional blocks
Status Structural Verilog complete. Structural Verilog complete. Schematics completed. Schematics completed. Layout of basic components complete. Layout of basic components complete. Major Layouts: Major Layouts: Still ~80% done because Spice simulations are being conducted to verify every part works before connectingStill ~80% done because Spice simulations are being conducted to verify every part works before connecting Global routing still needs to be doneGlobal routing still needs to be done
Current Transistor counts Total: 27,150 transistors* Top Three: 6,500 trans. 3 x FPU Add/Sub Unit 1500 trans. Control Registers & Muxes: 2000 trans. Calc: 17,950 trans. 2 x FPU Add/Sub Unit: 1500 trans. 1 x FPU Mult/Div Unit: ~5000 trans. 1 x Logshifter: 200 trans. 1 x Comparator: 800 transistors. FSM Logic: 850 transistors 25 x 12-bit M-S En Reg: 6600 trans. total 8-1,6-1,4-1,2-1 Mux Sets: 3000 trans. total Lookup: 2,700 trans. Control Registers & Muxes: 2000 trans. Control Logic: 163 trans. SRAM: 12k trans * count not including SRAM, with SRAM: ~38k
Floorplan details Aspect Ratio ~1:1 Size ~550x600u 2
Calc simulations Control point prop delay = the propagation delay to the output of the control point logic (average case)
Counter sims Rise time counter = rise time on the output of the counter
cont. Fall time counter = fall time on the output of the counter
Prop delay propdelaycounter1 = propagation delay of the Q output of the counter propdelaycounter2 = propagation delay of the Q_bar output of the propdelaycounter1 propdelaycounter2
Control points1& 2 Control points 1- 5 = the outputs of the some of the control points
Control points 3 and 4
Control point 5
Lookup mostly LVS
Questions/Concerns LVS or Simulations LVS in general