1 Systems V & V, Quality and Standards Dr Sita Ramakrishnan School CSSE Monash University
© S Ramakrishnan2 Software Test Automation zTopic: y Rational Test Studio xRequisitePro Software requirements management tool to help with team collaboration & reduce project risk Offers DB & MS Word RequisitePro’s architecture enables live requirements that are dynamically linked to a DB for easy query & sorting facilities Helps you to easily organize and prioritize your requirements Helps with tracing relationships between requirements, and track changes that affect them Visual traceability helps one to view the impacts of changes on the project; do impact analysis and make informed decision about resource allocation, scoping of project etc Captures the change history for each requirement, and so, provides a paper audit of the evolution of requirements.
© S Ramakrishnan3 Software Test Automation xCreating a Rational RequisitePro Project RequisitePro project includes a DB & can include documents RequisitePro includes project templates, which provide project structure information for the DB The DB stores document types, requirement types, requirement attributes, and information about requirement traceability Project templates included with RequisitePro are: – Use-Case Template (using a use-case methodology) – Traditional Template (using standard software requirements) –Composite Template (to incorporate use-case & trad.) Can create a new template or create a project using a blank template
© S Ramakrishnan4 Software Test Automation Requisitepro ShellRequisitepro Shell – The Explorer is RequisitePro's primary navigation window. Project artifacts (documents, requirements, views, and packages) are displayed hierarchically in a tree browser in the navigation window. Project information is organized in packages Within each package, artifacts are organized in the following order: –documents (alphabetically by name) –views (by type and then alphabetically within the type), and requirements (by type and then by tag) –Open RequisitePro and … create a Project
© S Ramakrishnan5 Software Test Automation Creating a Document in a RequisitePro ProjectCreating a Document in a RequisitePro Project –You create a document in RequisitePro in Word –When you create a document, RequisitePro adds the new document to the project directory - you must specify the name, type, directory, and other information related to the document. –Document is based on outlines & outlines used to organise your requirements document. Outlines available appear on the Document Properties dialog box –Different types of documents are written at different stages of the project, and you create specific types of requirements in specific types of documents. –In the Vision document, you document the features your project should include, and in the use-case document, you describe how the system behaves. The use cases should relate to features in the Vision document.
© S Ramakrishnan6 Software Test Automation Creating requirements in a Document in a RequisitePro ProjectCreating requirements in a Document in a RequisitePro Project All requirements are stored in the project database. You can create requirements in a document, in the RequisitePro Explorer, or directly in the database through a view. RequisitePro provides some requirement types (for example, feature, spec. requirements, supplementary, use case, and glossary terms with tag prefixes - FEAT, SC, SUPP, UC & TERM respectively) Each type is numbered separately Each type has a unique set of user-defined attributes Requirement types are useful for grouping similar requirements in a project
© S Ramakrishnan7 Software Test Automation Managing requirements in a RequisitePro ProjectManaging requirements in a RequisitePro Project –RequisitePro View shows requirements that are stored in the project DB –Requirements, their attribute matrix (priority & difficulty (high, medium, low), status (proposed, approved, validated, incorporated), and their relationships with other requirements are displayed and managed in views. –You can use views to organize and track your requirements. –You can also use a Traceability Matrix to view the relationships between requirements of the same or of different types
© S Ramakrishnan8 Software Test Automation Managing requirements in a RequisitePro ProjectManaging requirements in a RequisitePro Project –Traceability feature to manage changes in reqs. –can link two requirements of the same type or of different types to show that they are related to or dependent on each other -> tracing a requirement to or from another requirement –E.g. from Rational site – develop a retail store which notifies customers by when orders have been shipped – To cater for this feature requirement, develop a system in which this notification is part of the procedure (use case requirement). –You can trace this use case req. to feature requirement –When traceability is included between 2 requirements, any change to one req. requires you to check that the traceability is still valid. RequisitePro gives visual clues asking you to re-examine & check if it is valid
© S Ramakrishnan9 Software Test Automation Managing requirements in a RequisitePro ProjectManaging requirements in a RequisitePro Project –Traceability feature to manage changes in reqs. –can link two requirements of the same type or of different types to show that they are related to or dependent on each other -> tracing a requirement to or from another requirement –E.g. from Rational site – develop a retail store which notifies customers by when orders have been shipped – To cater for this feature requirement, develop a system in which this notification is part of the procedure (use case requirement). –You can trace this use case req. to feature requirement –When traceability is included between 2 requirements, any change to one req. requires you to check that the traceability is still valid. RequisitePro gives visual clues asking you to re-examine & check if it is valid Look at Rational RequisitePro Tutorial, White Papers and get ready for the Assignment –Just a few pointers about RequisitePro given in these slides. Look at Rational RequisitePro Tutorial, White Papers and get ready for the Assignment