Applications of Tex for papers and your thesis Lecture by Natascha Niermann,in context of the phd progamm FB Physik, Surface Physics Universität Osnabrück, Osnabrück
Content which programs are needed to install where to find this programs in the net useful additional installations for some comfort how to understand basic structures of the installed programs some infos about ghostsript and ghostview some infos about the program MiKTeX some infos about Winedt as the Editor for writing your thesis or paper or whatever else selected ideas to configure your own preferences Concrete techniques and structure, presentation summary and outlook
What you need to install Working with a Windows - System: - you need a LateX capable compiler, e.g. MiKTeX - you need a ps capable programs for the view, like ghostscript and ghostview - you need an editor to create your writings Working with a Unix – System: - you need a LateX capable compiler, e.g. teTeX -you need ps capable programs for the view, instead ghostview there is GV(different viewer) - you need an editor to create your writings, for example vi or emacs
Where you find the programs in the net…or use google! Ghostview and Ghostscript: MiKTex or other LaTeX: or WinEdt or other Editors
Useful add-ons and supplements for some comfort If you want to write a paper for physical review or some other magazines, it makes sense to install revtex4 You can get it at “dante” again There are some special files, you can get, for example some downloaded files you can include in LaTeX, there will be special packages which will offer a mathematical environment or any special language, layout variations Consequence: you have more time for your hobbies, hopefully
Basic structures of the installed programs Ghostscript serves the postscript environment, that is needed by Ghostview for having a comfortable look at your created document any form of LateX compiler that is installed will interpretate your constellation of command lines and make a DVI document of it, which then can be used to look at the final form the editor (Winedt or vi) makes it possible to write the text with some given tools and is connected to the compiler, so you can call it from there For the successfull creating of a text you will need the interlock of basically four different programs.
Ghostscript and Ghostview Ghostscript is used as a Postscript environment that is basically needed for the sight of your created ps – files in the viewer called Ghostview is one form of viewer that is dedicated to show ps (postscript) files or eps (encapsulated postscript), as well in Windows as in Unix
MiKTex or other TeX programs The structure: you write a main.tex file for your document, where you “include” all the other tex- files, which build the different parts of your thesis, every command that will be read begins with a \, the main file has to include \begin and \end, also used for some substructures. The compiler is capable of understanding pyramidic structures, which means you have “chapters”, the next level below is a section, the next subsection, followed by a subsubsection. Every command line can be labelled and so you can refer to it at every other point. You can include pictures in different forms and you have a helpful structure to make tables,there is an environment to write mathematical formulas and a lot more..
Infos about WinEdt and the useful functions of an editor WinEdt is a powerful, extremely flexible and versatile editor and shell for Win32 with a strong predisposition towards the creation of [La]TeX documents When you have edited your *.tex files you can call LateX ; for citing : the belonging *.bib files with the same name will be compiled by calling bib, DVI ps makes a postscript of it, that can be globally used and viewed by ghostview
Ideas to make your own style files You can make your own so called “style” files, where you can define for example again and again used expressions that would need a lot of time if you write them every time new Of course it is possible to write your own macros for complete new designed functions as for example the style of cyting, sometimes as a variation of the predefined functions Consequence: hopefully you will have a better overview and again more time for important things
Concrete technics and working Writing your text Compiling with latex Including bibtex Repeat eventually You have created a dvi (device independent ) file Converting to a viewable file like ps or pdf
Summary and outlook SUMMARY If you are a little bit familiar with the structures and have managed it to have a working installation, you will have a very powerful and comfortable program for writing a thesis or any papers or maybe abstracts Latex makes avery good and clean formating and can handle very big writings without and problems of stability OUTLOOK For better informations you have to listen to the next speaker, in contarst to me he is an expert