Installation Schedule and Status George Ginther University of Rochester for the DØ Collaboration 4 May 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

Installation Schedule and Status George Ginther University of Rochester for the DØ Collaboration 4 May 2006

2 Run IIb Shutdown Activities Install and commission Layer 0 detector Replace current L1Cal trigger with L1Cal trigger upgrade Replace current DFEAs in L1CTT with DFEA2 Complete cabling/commissioning of L1Cal Track Match trigger Complete modifications to L2STT to accommodate Layer 0 inputs Complete hardware modifications to muon PDT readout to accommodate latency shift –90% COMPLETE –AWAITING PARTS Currently expected 10 MAy Refine V15 trigger list Complete platform testing of pre-production AFEII-t

4 May Some Additional Shutdown Activities Preparation for latency shift In PROgress Routine subsystem maintenance and improvements In Progress –SAFETY SYSTEM TESTS/Tightening BOLTS…. –Operating system upgrades –CONTROLS PROCESSOR UPGRADES Individual channel recoveries IN PRogress Luminosity Monitoring COMPLETE –Detector maintenance –Improve grounding, new preamps SMT IN PROGRESS –HDI recovery effort –BLM upgrade? CFT COMPLETE –New SBC in crate 0x52 Calorimeter IN PROGRESS –ICD preamp modifications (and some phototube replacements) –Cable harness checks –Noise studies Muon IN PROGRESS –Source calibrations, HV calibrations, cable improvements, modifications to VME power supplies to improve radiation resistance L1Muon COMPLETE –Improve power supplies

4 May Installed Luminosity Monitor

4 May Improving A Layer PDT Grounds

4 May Schedule Installation schedule implemented in MS Project –Scheduled 5 day work week –Includes a lab holiday (and treats it as such) –Parallel tasks implemented where detector configurations allow –14 week duration (69 working weekdays) Our estimate of Layer 0 installation effort originally generated 14 week duration Second shift activities when appropriate 8 weekdays of explicit schedule contingency Weekends serve as additional contingency opportunity 51 working days into shutdown –No major upgrade related surprises (yet) –Minor adjustments to keep things moving –Working longer hours when necessary to maintain pace –So far, only one Saturday has been explicitly scheduled –Four week days of contingency have been used to insure that the Layer 0 and re-installed H disk readout is as complete as possible

4 May Layer 0 Installation Milestones IDTASK NAMEActual Current Forecast Pre- Shutdown Forecast Milestone Dates 2Beginning of RunIIb Tevatron Shutdown2/23/062/27/06 28Detector Open, Ready for Access3/1/063/2/063/07/06 34RunIIa Be Beam Pipe Disconnected3/3/063/7/063/9/06 47H Disks Removed3/15/063/17/063/23/06 56RunIIa Be Beam Pipe Removed3/21/063/27/063/31/06 75Layer 0 Tooling and Mounts Ready4/5/064/10/064/17/06 79Layer 0 Installed (including junction card mounts)4/7/064/12/064/19/06 91RunIIb Be Pipe Connected, Layer 0 Cabled4/26/06 5/03/06 94Inner H Disks Re-Installed (including cabling)5/4/065/2/065/9/06 99Silicon Cold and Ready for Technical Commissioning5/8/065/5/065/12/06 103Complete Technical Commissioning of Silicon5/12/065/11/065/18/06 118Detector Closed for Tevatron Resumption5/31/066/02/066/4/06 Allocated 4 days of contingency to Layer 0 and H Disk readout verification

4 May L1 Cal and L1 CTT Installations IDTASK NAMEActual Current Forecast Pre- Shutdown Forecast 2Beginning of RunIIb Tevatron Shutdown2/23/062/27/06 Level 1 Calorimeter Trigger Upgrade 158Retire Run IIa L1 Cal Trigger Electronics3/6/06 172Complete Clean-out of L1 Cal Trigger Racks3/9/063/29/06 180L1 Cal Trigger Racks Ready for Trigger Installation3/20/064/13/06 189L1 Cal Trigger Ready for Technical Commissioning5/10/06 Level 1 Central Track Trigger Upgrade 206DFEA Crates Extracted3/13/06 213DFEA2 Installation Complete4/25/064/4/06 217L1 CTT Technical Commissioning Complete5/17/06 Switched order of some installation and verification operations to optimize cable access

30-Apr Site-wide power outage Cable N inner H disk First production AFEII bare board delivered Cable S inner H disks Complete installation of L1Cal LVDS cables Verify H disk connections SAM V7 Tests Complete H disk readout verification Install beampipe supports Make EC Be beampipe joints Install Tedlar membrane 7-May Cool siliconSMT checkout L1Cal Upgrade Ready for Technical Commissioning SMT checkout Muon PDT mod complete SMT checkout Remove gap hardware Close ECs, EFs 14-May Install SNEGs 100 AFEII bare boards delivered Leak check Install heat tape on SNEGs L1CTT Technical Commissioning Complete Activate SNEGs Open EFs Install BLMs Survey EC Activate SNEGscontingency 21-May Begin detect or verific ation Detector checkout Resume captain coverage on evening shifts Test new latency? detector checkout Tevatron cold Test new latency? Close CF and EF Remove SNEG heaters Install veto counters Close clamshells Survey Detector Centerbeam 28-May lab holiday AFEII bare board production complete Survey Detector CenterBeam Search and secure collision hall Test magnet power supplies StickMic Survey Supervised Access Ends? 4-Jun shutdo wn ends round the clock shift coverage resumes? 11-Jun First stuffed AFEII boards delivered first store 18-JunHEPCollab Meeting 25-Jun 2-Jul Trigger Latency Change 9-Jul First set of production AFEII installed 16-Jul

4 May What might happen to the schedule contingency ? Detector Maintenance Issues NO IMPACT TO DATE Beampipe related –Radiation survey results Items near beampipe were Class 1 –Beryllium wipes results Wipes were clean –Leak checking complications NO IMPACT SO FAR Maintain purges during installation whenever practical North EC beampipe conditions –Interior Temperature 8C—WEATHER WAS COOPERATIVE –Weld diameter ADEQUATE CLEARANCE –Surface irregularities ADEQUATE CLEARANCE Detector alignment ADEQUATE AlIGNMENT Unanticipated complications VLPC CRYOSTAT LEAKS CLOCK INSTABILITIES Fragile H DISK MOUNTS SMOKE IN THE COLLISION HALL PERSONNEL MATTERS

4 May A Few Potential Concerns Low energy high occupancy noise in ECs –Currently in remission –Addressing this unidentified noise may be challenging –IMPROVING GROUNDING OF A LAYER PDTS Possible schedule conflicts since Dave Butler has been assigned to Mechanical Operations crew for duration of shutdown –Expect to call on Ken Schultz or Bert Gonzalez if Dave becomes effectively overcommitted HAS NOT BEEN An ISSUE Recent loss in L1Cal installation team –Learned that Alan Stone will not be available for L1Cal installation on 31 Jan 2006 –Exploring responses with assistance of PPD –SELCUK HAS BEEN Very USEFUL CONTRIBUTOR –HAVE MANAGED WITHOUT MUCH ADDITIONAL SUPPORT Recent confirmation of loss for Layer 0 installation team –Sasha Leflat and Evgueni Zverev will not be available before May –OTHER COLLABORATORS HAVE PITCHED IN TO HELP FILL THE GAP, AND CONTINGENCY HAS BEEN DEVOTED TO VERIFYING READOUT

4 May Personnel Complications Personnel issues generated challenges –Unanticipated resignations/transfers –Illnesses/other personal issues Surprising number of sick days early in shutdown –Alan S (CMS) –Selcuk C (personal) –John A (ANL) –Youri O (TD) –Mike M (AFE maintenance) –Russ R (personal) –Vic M (personal) –Bill C (recovery from ILC trip) –Dave B (personal) –Rich S (personal and CMS) –Linda B (personal and CMS) –Steve J and Todd N (other assignments)

4 May Power Outages Power Outages for power distribution maintenance at DZero and master substation –Keep solenoid (and VLPCs) cold while helium compressors are offline Feeder 46B maintenance (8 March) –Electrical power distribution maintenance was performed on 1 April VLPC cryostat leaks developed during this maintenance –Site-wide power outage 3 April Readback for L1CTM crate 0x V supply failed CAL preamp power supply 11 primary failed to recover Two online cluster nodes suffered hardware failures –Site-wide power outage 1 May Two BLS power supplies failed to recovery

4 May Approaching end of shutdown Aim to have all possible subsystems back to full operational status to probe for outstanding issues before detector is fully closed –Need to complete H disk cabling, testing –Make EC to Be beam pipe joints –Dry and cool silicon tracker –Re-establish silicon readout systems –Complete detector maintenance activities –End Cap Calorimeters scheduled to be closed ~12 May to proceed with SNEG beam pipe installation and leak check Re-install BLMs and veto counters –Aim at having subsystems fully functional by ~21 May where possible –Toroids scheduled to be closed ~25 May –Survey detector position –Solenoid and Toroid tests ~30 May

4 May Recovery Plans Re-establish detector operations –Come out of shutdown with current trigger latency L1Cal Track Match results too late to participate in trigger –Checkout detector performance (online and offline verification) –Verify beam spot location Adjust location and firmware accordingly Trigger latency change to be implemented as soon as detector performance is stable (~2 to 3 weeks) –Will need offline verification that timing adjustments have been properly implemented in all subsystems Prompt offline analysis will be essential to minimizing the luminosity cost of implementing the upgrades (and recovering from the installation and shutdown) –Alignment –Calibration AFE II installation/commissioning in parallel –Currently anticipate delivery of stuffed boards between late-June and early August –Expect adiabatic installation in batches –Operate in AFE I mode (no timing information) –Dependent upon offline analysis (trigger, tracking and object ID) to certify system as it is installed

4 May More on Recovery In addition to optimizing the trigger once the new elements are technically commissioned… Tracking consequences –Optimize tracking using layer 0 data Online and offline –Since outer H disks will no longer be in place, forward tracking may require adjustments Luminosity Monitoring –Luminosity monitors have been dismounted and serviced and will require scrutiny –Material in front of luminosity monitors changed –Re-examination of luminosity constant ICD maintenance Preparing for even larger instantaneous luminosities

4 May Summary Shutdown involves substantial parallel efforts to install Run IIb upgrades of the DØ detector and make a smooth transition to commissioning and operations Need to complete the shutdown activities in a safe and timely manner –51 weekdays days into 69 weekday shutdown (74%) –Most activities progressing well –No major upgrade related surprises detected (yet) –Collaborators continue to make important contributions –Lab is providing significant support for these activities –Second shift support and activities have been very valuable in maintaining schedule ~Four weeks remaining until end of shutdown Commissioning upgrades (and recovering from the shutdown) must be completed reliably and efficiently to ensure that the post- shutdown data is as fruitful as possible –Addressing these challenges in a timely manner requires significant contributions from the lab and a broad range of collaborators

4 May Closed Configuration

4 May Clam shells and muon shielding open on north end

4 May North EF open too

4 May South EF and EC open allowing access to the south gap (assuming CF is also open) GAP

4 May Mechanical Support Ops personnel will be working two shift schedule –First shift Russ Rucinski Pete Simon Bob Kubinski Chris Tolian Dave Butler (Technical Centers) John Cornele (Mechanical Department on an as needed basis) Ops Shifter Dan Markley (for detector moves) –Second shift Mike Sarychev Jim Fagan Bob Barger Rolondo Flores Chuck McNeal Steve Jakubowski (Technical Centers) Ops Shifter Todd Nebel (Technical Centers--at start and end of shutdown) –Ops Shifters Bill Frank, Bryan Johnson, Pat Healey, John Najdzion

4 May Electrical Support Operations and Shutdown support –John Anderson/Mike Matulik –John Foglesong –Mike Cherry –Victor Martinez –Shoua Moua –Johnny Green (Electrical Engineering Department) –Tim Martin (Electrical Engineering Department) –Bruce Merkel (Electrical Engineering Department) Plus ongoing support from EED Colliding Beam Experiments group –Lyn Bagby, Jamieson Olsen, Mike Utes AFE II activities must continue in parallel

4 May Additional Manpower Alignment Layer 0 Installation –Handling SNEGs, gate valves, leak checking (AD) –Dave Butler, Mike Roman, Joe Howell, Youri Orlov (PPD) –Dan Olis (TD) –Bert Gonzalez and Ken Schultz (PPD) –Randy Wyatt (Alignment) as backup for Mike Roman (PPD) –Welder for EC beampipe flanges (~1 day) –Ron Davis (Vacuum) to make beampipe joints (PPD) Trigger Upgrades –CTT Mixer Stefano Rapisarda (CD) –L1CalTrack visitor support –PDT modifications for latency shifts Sten Hansen electrical tech for 6 weeks