National Student Loans Service Centre Online
Agenda Introduction Registration In Study Grace Period Repayment Other tools Questions?
How to find the National Student Loans Service Centre On-line The National Student Loans Service Centre website provides round-the-clock access to your student loan information For access, to go to and click on the National Student Loans Service Centre link. Managing your student loans has never been easier. By registering for the National Student Loans Service Centre’s on-line services, you will have round the clock access to your student loan information. Go to and click on the National Student Loans Service Centre link where you will be able to : - Check the status and balance of your student loan(s) - Review details of new loans - Update your address and contact information - Review your loan payment and transaction history
Registration – A Four Step Process To access your loan information you will need to first need to register. Step 1 – Confirm your Identity Step 2 – Create Username and Password Step 3 – Answer Password Recovery Questions Step 4 – Accept User Agreement Before you can access any information about your file, you will need to register. Registration is an easy process. First, you will need to confirm your identity. You will be asked for your name, SIN, DOB and Loan Account Number. Second, create a username and password. Third, Answer password recovery questions. There is a drop down list of questions, a question on your most memorable person and a memorable date. Step Four, accept the user agreement to be fully registered.
Finding your account number Your account number is located on all letters from the National Student Loans Service Centre Or you can call 1-888-815-4514, answer security questions and the call centre will provide it for you. Your loan account number can be found on any correspondence that has been sent to you from the NSLSC. If you are unable to locate this number call the 1-800 number and a representative will provide it to you.
In Study Access Each loan is itemized – loan type, status and balance owing, and you can select each loan and view the details. The type of access you have to information is determined by your loan status. While you are a full-time student you will be able to view all of the information about the loan(s) you have negotiated. You will be able to view your outstanding balance, the history of your transactions and the details of your loan disbursements.
Grace Period Access During Grace Period you will be able to see: Your end of study date The date repayment begins The current interest rate The amount of interest that is accruing daily When your loan status changes, so does the type of access. Your loan enters grace period when you are no longer a full-time student. Grace period is a six month period of time where you are charged interest, but no payments are required form you. As you are now charged interest, the website will now detail the amount of interest that is accruing and when repayment begins.
Repayment Access The loan details are expanded to include the remaining balance of the loan, the remaining time left to repay and the method which you make payments Customize your payment options Increase or decrease your minimum monthly payments. The online calculator tool shows you how these changes affect your interest. Repayment begins the first day of the seventh month after you stop being a full-time student. Once repayment has begun there are some expanded tools on the NSLSC website. You will be able to customize your repayments and an online calculator will display the impact the changes have on your loan. After you have used the calculator you can print of an application to send to the NSLSC to request that the calculated changes are made to your account.
Repayment Help There are several programs that can assist in the repayment of your student loan Repayment Assistance, Debt Reduction in Repayment, and Permanent Disability Benefit Complete the application online, print, sign and mail. If you require any assistance in repayment there are a number of programs that can help you. You can use the online calculators to determine if you qualify and you can print off the applications directly from the website.
Other Tools Update your contact information online. Read news in the Personal Message Centre. Download forms to make changes to your payment due date, to pre-authorize payments and to make one time only payments. You can also keep your contact information up to date. View a presentation on the student loan process and access a personal mail box where correspondence pertaining to your loan will be sent.