Undergraduate Persistence & 6yr Graduation Rates: Fall 2003 through Fall 2010/Spring 2011
Persistence of All 1 st Time Freshmen 1 st Fall to Spring, and 1 st Fall to 2 nd Persistence of First Time Freshmen CampusFTF CohortFTF_IROCountFTF1st SpringFA-->SprFA->Spr%Fall 1-->Fall 2FA to FA % HILFall 2003Y443Sp % % HILFall 2004Y440Sp % % HILFall 2005Y444Sp % % HILFall 2006Y471Sp % % HILFall 2007Y512Sp % % HILFall 2008Y552Sp % % HILFall 2009Y471Sp % % HILFall 2010Y403Sp % Source: UHAPPS_IROFZ_IRO_BASE
Persistence of Classified Full-Time Freshmen 1 st Fall to Spring, and 1 st Fall to 2 nd Persistence of Classified Undergraduate Full-Time First Time Freshman Campus FT FTF CohortFTF_IROCountFT1st SpringFA-->SprFA->Spr%Fall 1-->Fall 2FA to FA % HILFall 2003Y437Sp % % HILFall 2004Y428Sp % % HILFall 2005Y423Sp % % HILFall 2006Y451Sp % % HILFall 2007Y494Sp % % HILFall 2008Y535Sp % % HILFall 2009Y455Sp % % HILFall 2010Y393Sp % Source: UHAPPS_IROFZ_IRO_BASE
Persistence of All Classified Undergraduates Fall to Fall, Fall 2006 and Fall 2007 Fall Sem# Class UG AcYr Grad1stFRFRSOJRSR 20062, # Return Fall ,840 Overall returning % Return Fall % Overall65.00%37.9%73.6%81.3%75.3% Fall Sem# Class UG AcYr Grad1stFRFRSOJRSR 20072, # Return Fall ,877 Overall returning % Return Fall % Overall68.20%48.8%71.9%78.6%75.4%
Persistence of All Classified Undergraduates Fall to Fall, Fall 2008 and Fall 2009 Fall Sem# Class UG AcYr Grad1stFRFRSOJRSR 20082, # Return Fall ,956 Overall returning % Return Fall % Overall68.50%53.8%76.0%80.6%68.1% Fall Sem# Class UG AcYr Grad1stFRFRSOJRSR 20092, # Return Fall ,069 Overall returning % Return Fall % Overall70.70%50.4%74.5%79.9%70.9%
Persistence of All Classified Undergraduates Fall to Fall, Fall 2010 ? Fall Sem# Class UG AcYr Grad1stFRFRSOJRSR 20102, # Return Fall 2011 ????? % Return Fall 2011 ?????
The Flow of Classified Undergraduates Overall Fall 2006 Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Class UG3,148 Class UG3,144 Class UG3,208 Class UG3,317 Class UG3,351 Graduate 490 Graduate 503 Graduate 498 Graduate 460 Graduate 493 Return1,840 Return1,877 Return1,956 Return2,069 Return Add New1,304 Add New1,331 Add New1,361 Add New1,282 Add New
Freshman 1 st year Departers Last Semester and Cumulative GPA Academic Standing
Six Year Graduation Rates of 1 st Time Full Time Freshman 1995 by by by by by by by by by by %31.5%34.6%30.2%30.6%31.5%36.3%32.4%30.9%33.3%
Leading Indicators Project Review & Discussion: Looking at Milestone Attainment and Degree Completion among the Freshman Cohorts 2003, 2004, 2005
Educational Trust “Leading Indicators” Provides framework for investigating and understanding variable student graduation rate outcomes specifically with respect to those student’s attainment of specified milestones within the 1 st academic year. The basic framework includes demographic breakouts by ethnicity, low- income status, and FT/PT status. 1 st Academic Year Milestones include: 1.Completion of 80% or more attempted credit hrs with C or better. 2.Completion of minimum 24 credit hrs 3.Attempt College Level Math 4.Complete College Level Math C or better 5.Attempt English Composition 6.Complete English Composition
Customizing the Leading Indicators Framework Localized ethnicity sub populations. Ascertained pell status from any enrolled term, not just 1 st Fall. Ascertained student milestone attainment looking across all system campuses and inclusive of summer semesters immediately prior and subsequent 1 st Fall. Ascertained 6 yr degree completion looking separately for 4 yr degrees earned from Hilo campus, UH system, & outside UH system. Based on existing research/insights…Worked with 5 additional variables within the cohort: gender, residency, any summer enrollment behaviors, any change of major behaviors (by change type direction & magnitude)
Key Findings: of 1,327 Freshmen, the percentage satisfying milestones within their 1 st academic year enrolled
Key Findings: Of those satisfying each milestone, the percent graduating within 6 years
Key Findings: Of those NOT satisfying each milestone, the percent graduating within 6 years
Key Findings: Of those satisfying all milestones in the 1 st year, the percent graduating within 6 years
Key Findings: Of those satisfying NO milestones in the 1 st year, the percent graduating within 6 years
Detailed Variability in Milestone Attainment Sub Population Number%80%24crMathAtt Math CompENGAtt ENG Comp Under-represented Minority 40030%68%59%70%58%49%42% Non-”URM” 65850%81%69%71%63%48%45% Nuetral/Unknown* 26920%66%60%62%52%40%36% Sub Population Number%80%24crMathAtt Math CompENGAtt ENG Comp Pell 49637%73%63%64%55%48%44% Non-Pell 83163%75%66%72%62%45%41%
More Detailed Variability in Milestone Attainment Sub Population Number#80%24crMathAtt Math CompENGAtt ENG Comp Male 56242%70%61%69%57%45%40% Female 76558%77%66%69%61%47%43% Sub PopulationNumber%80%24crMathAtt Math CompENGAtt ENG Comp Major Change by Directions 38529%85%79%75%68%55%53% MJR No Change 94271%70%58%67%56%43%38% Sub PopulationNumber%80%24crMathAtt Math CompENGAtt ENG Comp Hawaii Resident 78459%73%64%71%61%52%47% Hawaii Non-Resident Regular 16012%74%60%66%55%34%29% Hawaii Non-Resident WUE 27921%83%69%66%59%51%48%
Yet More Detailed Variability in Milestone Attainment Sub PopulationNumber%80%24crMathAtt Math CompENGAtt ENG Comp Summer Enrolled Yes 53941%85%80%78%70%52%49% Summer Enrolled No 78859%67%54%63%52%43%38%
Overall Graduation Rates CohortTotal Graduated Elsewhere%Elsewhere Graduated Manoa%Manoa Graduated Hilo%Hilo Total Grads Overall Grad Rate Overall %735.5% % %
Detailed Variability in Graduation Rates CohortTotal Else where%ElseManoa%ManoaHilo%Hilo Total Grads Overall Grad Rate Under-represented Minority %132.7% % % Non-”URM” %345.9% % % Neutral/Unknown %269.7%8130.1% % CohortTotal Else where%ElseManoa%ManoaHilo%Hilo Total Grads Overall Grad Rate Pell %163.2% % % Non-Pell %576.9% % %
More Detailed Variability in Graduation Rates CohortTotalElsewhere%ElseManoa%ManoaHilo%Hilo Total Grads Overall Grad Rate Male %305.3% % % Female %435.6% % % CohortTotalElsewhere%ElseManoa%ManoaHilo%Hilo Total Grads Overall Grad Rate Major Change by Directions %82.1% % % MJR No Change %656.9% % % CohortTotalElsewhere%ElseManoa%ManoaHilo%Hilo Total Grads Overall Grad Rate Hawaii Resident %395.0% % % Hawaii Non-Resident Regular %63.8%4427.5%7144.4% Hawaii Non-Resident WUE %165.7%9132.6% % Non-Resident Alien %1211.5%3028.8%4543.3%
Yet More Detailed Variability in Graduation Rates CohortTotalElsewhere%ElseManoa%ManoaHilo%Hilo Total Grads Overall Grad Rate Summer Enrolled Yes %6612.2% % % Summer Enrolled No %70.9% % %
Interventions:Interpretations Since Leading Indicators milestone attainment correlates favorably with graduation, And The Education Trust’s intention is to increase degree attainment among Low Income students and under-represented minorities… Action plan is that encouraging “good behaviors” through focused institutional interventions can improve milestone attainment and degree completion for Low Income and under-represented minorities specifically. Such interventions in turn, benefit overall institutional milestone attainment and graduation rates.
Charting Progress: What’s next? Freshman Cohort# FTF% Comp% Math %64.60% %69.50% %67.10% %59.90% %60.50% % % % *census registrations not satisfactory course completions
To Reframe the Challenge, How Might We: Reduce milestone attainment gaps between general (sub) population and Low Income and under-represented minority populations by half ? (A2S goal=Access to Success) Reduce degree attainment gaps between general (sub) population and Low Income and under-represented minority populations by half—institutional grad rates and/or overall ? (A2S goal=Access to Success) When… Low Income Hilo grad rate is 1.8% higher than general population & Overall grad rate is 3.4% lower. Also, their Hilo grad rate is 2.9% higher than Non Pell, & 5.4% lower overall. Under-represented minority Hilo grad rate is 5.6% lower than general population & Overall grad rate is 13.2% lower. Also, their Hilo grad rate is 11.8% lower than Non “URM”, & 25.2% lower overall.
Follow Through… Identify those sub population milestone and degree attainment gaps that most warrant direct attention Identify further institutional intervention strategies Identify further research questions needed for effective action