International Learning Forum Rome, 1 April 2011 More and better skills, more and better jobs – Lifelong learning and the Europe 2020 strategy Carlo Scatoli Directorate General for Education and Culture European Commission
1 Europe 2020: three interlinked priorities 1.) Smart growth : developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation 2.) Sustainable growth : promoting a more efficient, greener and more competitive economy 3.) Inclusive growth : fostering a high-employment economy delivering social and territorial cohesion
2 7 flagship initiatives targets Smart Growth Sustainable Growth Inclusive Growth Innovation « Innovation Union » Climate, energy and mobility « Resource efficient Europe » Employment and skills « Agenda for new skills and jobs” Education and employment « Youth on the move » Competitiveness « An industrial policy for the globalisation era » Fighting poverty « European platform against poverty » Digital society « A digital agenda for Europe »
3 Flagship ‘An agenda for new skills and jobs ’ Better functioning of EU labour markets & flexicurity Right skills for right jobs Improving the quality of work and working conditions Creating jobs
4 Skills gap Over 80 million adults hampered by low levels of basic skills – and transversal skills Skills people have often don’t match skills needed to get jobs Jobs becoming more knowledge- and skills- intensive: by 2020, one third of all jobs will require high-level qualifications
5 Modernising education and training – key competences, higher education Support to learning and job mobility A new framework for youth employment
6 Proposal for a Recommendation to promote the learning mobility of young people Proposal for a Recommendation to fight early school leaving Proposal for a Recommendation to promotion and validate non formal and informal learning Implementation of qualification frameworks Development of a European skills passport ESCO – Terminology for occupations, skills, competences Skills panorama EU2020
7 Competences 2001 – Memorandum on Lifelong Learning Input based (duration, institution) 1996 –European Year of Lifelong Learning Education and training system Learners and learning process Output oriented (what learners know and can do)
8 Competences 2008 – The European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF) 2009 – European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) 2006 – The European Framework of Key Competences for Lifelong Learning 2008 – New skills for new jobs initiative 2004 – Europass
9 Lifelong learning Lifelong guidance Recognition of learning Mobility in learning and labour
10 Thank you for your attention