1 Working Group 5: Particle Identified Studies in Jets - Proposed plots for PPR -
2 Quality and statistics of jet triggered particle spectra in jet cone Hadron yieldsResonance yields needs efficiencies and acceptance, can be extended to include heavy flavor
3 Realistic plots with error bars for simulations with and w/o quenching Sapeta / Wiedemann
4 Errors on identified fragmentation functions with and w/o gluon splitting Sapeta / Wiedemann
5 Errors on jet triggered particle ratios with and w/o gluon splitting Sapeta / Wiedemann
6 side 1 side 2 near away In Jet-Plane Same Side near In Jet-Plane Away Side away e.g. STAR results:Trigger p T > 4GeV, (1020) ~ 0.9 GeV All angles Out of Jet-Plane side1 + side2 M inv (K + K - ) Systematic errors not included ! Errors on resonance properties (yield,mass, width, branching ratio) in jet triggered analysis
7 Necessary information Not a lot of simulations, more information gathering Could be done on the basis of scaled PYTHIA spectra or Wiedemann event generator ALICE information necessary: Jet cone algorithm and its efficiency (PPR group 1) Trigger efficiencies (PPR group 2) rdE/dx resolution (TPC group) e/ rejection (TRD group) V0/heavy flavor reconstruction efficiencies (PWG-3 and PWG-2) Resonance reconstruction efficiencies (PWG-2, maybe TRD group) Compare to model predictions (recombination, quenching)