Education 1101 Education and Modern Society Christopher W. Johnson Montague 80 Tuesdays / 4:6:45 Engineering 213 (outside of library)
Teachers, Schools, and Society (Sadker & Zittleman). The Teaching Profession and You
First Memories of School Recall your first days of school… in different years. Note the sensory details. First Teachers? Worst Teachers Best Teachers Family memories of teachers? How do you see teachers?
Question: Why do people choose teaching?
Primary Reasons for Teaching A Calling…born to be a teacher The Love of Children…works in progress The Desire to Help…the enduring potential to construct and reconstruct both themselves and their social world Love of Subject Matter Default choice?
Which most describes your desire to become an educator? 1.A calling 2.The love of children 3.The desire to help 4.Love of Subject matter 5.Don’t know what else to do 6.I wouldn’t become a teacher
Why do (should?) students go to school?
Why Students Go to School: the Purposes of Education Preserving and transmitting the past cultural heritage Selecting and preparing students for occupational status levels Preparing students to build a better society It is the law (why?)
Why are you at U.M.D.? 1.To get a job. 2.To learn more, become smarter 3.To make things better for the next generation 4.My parents said I had to go.
Preserving and Transmitting the Cultural Heritage A rich tradition of enduring truths and values for each succeeding generation A certain fund of knowledge must be possessed…cultural literacy…to be considered educated and to be successful in society Rapid change, global market economy, multiculturalism militate against this approach, say critics
Selecting and Preparing Students for Occupational Status Levels Certifying students for the world of work Meritocracy…those who are the brightest and work the hardest, will go the furthest (tracking systems) Perpetuating inequalities, critics say, based on class, race, gender
Preparing Students to Build a Better Society Students can learn skills of social reform and to be tomorrow’s leaders An informed citizenry is needed to have a productive society…Jefferson Students will leave school overly idealistic and under skilled for success, some critics say
Do you think the schools you went to best prepared you to… 1.Get a good job in the future 2.Make a more just and fair society 3.Learn the rich heritage from the past
About Teaching You’re not alone Roar of the crowd I’m proud Intellectual Life Artistic Make a difference Salary / Vacation Lose the crowd Loneliness No respect Mindless Routine Conformity Burn-out (idealism) Weak professional status
Teachers as Understood by Teacher Trainers. We Call These Dispositions Teachers who are themselves lifelong learners and constantly updating their skills Teachers committed to teaching children to be active learners. Teachers who have high expectations of all of their students Teachers who are deeply knowledgeable about their subject area
The Traditional Scenario Teaching is about discipline Teaching is about control Teaching is about passivity Teaching is about competition Teaching is about values such as punctuality, honesty, politeness
Changes influencing Teaching and Learning Focus on teacher quality…subject matter knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, knowledge of students (mainstream and marginalized) Changes in Student Demographics…ethnic and racial, language, social class (global market economy, downsizing, service- based economy have led to the “working poor”
Compensation Factors Tenure Longevity Average Salaries Merit Pay
Teaching as a Profession Media Depictions Soundbite Understandings Criteria for a profession (p. 11 of text). Teachers are “born, not made.” All you need to know is the subject Teacher candidates are less talented
How Teachers are Prepared Normal Schools Teacher Licensure Teaching Contracts (then & now) Alternative licensure
Students who do well in school 1.Are usually the smartest ones 2.Have unfair advantages over the rest 3.Work the hardest 4.Have the best families
Ways of Teaching Paying attention to power Many kinds of power: legal, administrative, economic, military Can be seen as relations among individuals or groups based on social, political, and material imbalances or asymmetries
The most important kind of power anyone can have is 1.Legal power 2.Administrative power 3.Economic power 4.Military power
Power used in Education Social, Political, Material Visible and Invisible…norms, expectations, school rules and demands and expectations of individuals, institutions, and agencies The Dominant Discourse…determines what counts as true, important, relevant, what gets spoken and what remains unsaid Pedagogy requires an understanding of power
L.S. Vygotsky, Educational Psychology, We have seen that the individual’s own experience is the only teacher capable of forming new reactions in the individual. Only those relations are real for an individual that are given to him in his personal experience. This is why the student’s personal experience becomes the fundamental basis of pedagogical work. Strictly speaking, and from the scientific point of view, there is no other way of teaching…. ….Ultimately the child teaches himself. It is in his organism as nowhere else that there occurs the decisive engagement between all those different factors that determine his behavior for years to come. In this sense, education, in every country, and in ever epoch, has always been social in nature…. Both in the seminary and in the old gymnasium, in the military school and in the schools for the daughters of the nobility, just as in the schools of ancient Greece and those of the Middle Ages and in the East, it was never the teacher and the tutor who did the teaching, but the particular social environment which was created for each individual instance. (Therefore), the assumption that the student is simply passive, just like the underestimation of his personal experience, is the greatest of sins, since it takes as its foundation the false rule that the teachers is everything and the student is nothing.
Progressive Education (Grant & Gillette 2006) Dramatic demographic changes, familial patterns Globalization of the economy, environment, labor, politics, culture Curriculum reform movements Cultural transformation and social transformation
Multicultural Education All aspects of schooling address the needs and talents of a diverse population to ensure equity for all. It is both a philosophy and a process. EMCSR…education that is multicultural and social reconstructionist to respond to changing population demographics, the influence of globalization, shifting conceptions of what knowledge and whose knowledge should influence the curriculum
Six key elements in a reconstructionist approach Connect educational philosophy to a broader social philosophy grounded in democratic values Schools cannot be “neutral” Not only cognitive but also moral discourse Students participate in communal experiences Open discussion embracing differences Teachers as transformative intellectuals
Education 1101 You are a “consumer” of education, and teacher education Understanding education… part of a liberal education? Education as a case study for business Governance and democracy Parenting Taxpayers
Course Nuts and Bolts Course Website Montague 120 (How to Use It) Teaching Assistant Homework Clickers ITSSITSS Portfolio INTASCPORTFOLIORUBRIC_000.doc INTASCPORTFOLIORUBRIC_000.doc Portfolio Entry1.doc Portfolio Entry1.doc