Week 10. Chapter 9 1.Convolution sum & integral 1.Kronecker delta and Dirac delta 2.Impulse response and convolution 2.Impulse response & frequency response 3.FIR 4.IIR
1.Convolution sum
1.Convolution integral
1 1/2 1/3 n 0 12 y
x t 1 y t e -t x*y t 1-e -t
2. The delta functions
area = 1
Impulse response and convolution (discrete-time)
Impulse response and convolution (cont-time)
h t e -t x t 02 y t 02
From impulse response to frequency response An LTI system S is characterized by h, H. The two are related. Discrete-time
Causal systems
FIR filter 0M k h
Implementing FIR topics/convolution/implementation