Coming March 2006 Grenoble Sept 2005 (1) Relaxation and reactions in condensed molecular systems Kinetic models Transition state theory Kramers theory and its extensions Low, high and intermediate friction regimes Diffusion controlled reactions Chapter 13-15
Coming March 2006 Grenoble Sept 2005 (2) Electron transfer processes Simple models Marcus theory The reorganization energy Adiabatic and non-adiabatic limits Solvent controlled reactions Bridge assisted electron transfer Coherent and incoherent transfer Electrode processes Chapter 16
Coming March 2006 Grenoble Sept 2005 (3) Molecular conduction Simple models for molecular conductions Factors affecting electron transfer at interfaces The Landauer formula Molecular conduction by the Landauer formula Relationship to electron-transfer rates. Structure-function effects in molecular conduction How does the potential drop on a molecule and why this is important Probing molecules in STM junctions Electron transfer by hopping Chapter 17
D A Rate of electron transfer to metal in vacuum Rate of electron transfer to metal in electrolyte solution Transition rate to a continuum (Golden Rule) Donor gives an electron and goes from state “a” (reduced) to state “b” (oxidized). E b,a =E b- E a is the energy of the electron given to the metal M EFEF ELECTRODE PROCESSES Reorganization energy here – from donor only (~0.5 of “regular” value)
Landauer formula (maximum=1) Maximum conductance per channel For a single “channel”:
General case Unit matrix in the bridge space Bridge Hamiltonian B (R) + B (L) -- Self energy Wide band approximation
Molecular level structure between electrodes LUMO HOMO
“The resistance of a single octanedithiol molecule was megaohms, based on measurements on more than 1000 single molecules. In contrast, nonbonded contacts to octanethiol monolayers were at least four orders of magnitude more resistive, less reproducible, and had a different voltage dependence, demonstrating that the measurement of intrinsic molecular properties requires chemically bonded contacts”. Cui et al (Lindsay), Science 294, 571 (2001)
ET vs Conduction
A relation between g and k conductionElectron transfer rate Marcus Decay into electrodes Electron charge
A relation between g and k eV
ET rate from steady state hopping
Incoherent hopping LARGE N: Or at T=300K.
PART D Issues in molecular conductions
Grenoble Sept 2005 (3) Molecular conduction Structure-function effects in molecular conduction The role of contacts How does the potential drop on a molecule and why this is important Probing molecules in STM junctions Electron transfer by hopping Charging Switching
2-level bridge (local representation) Dependence on: Molecule-electrode coupling L, R Molecular energetics E 1, E 2 Intramolecular coupling V 1,2
I / arb. units I V (V) Ratner and Troisi, 2004
Reasons for switching Conformational changes Conformational changes STM under water S.Boussaad et. al. JCP (2003) Tsai et. al. PRL 1992: RTS in Me-SiO 2 -Si junctions Transient charging Transient charging time Polaron formation Polaron formation
Single (K+) channel currents from Schwann cells isolated enzymatically from the giant axons of the squids Loligo forbesi, Loligo vulgaris and Loligo bleekeri. The channel conductance was 43.6 pS when both internal and external solutions contained 150 mM K+. Activity was weakly dependent on membrane voltage but sensitive to the internal Ca2+ concentration. [Ca +2 ]=1x10 -6 M I. Inoue et al, Journal of Physiology 541.3, pp (2002)
Temperature and chain length dependence Giese et al, 2002 Michel- Beyerle et al Selzer et al 2004 Xue and Ratner 2003
V. J. Langlais et al, PRL 83, 2809 (1999)
Electron transfer in DNA
“Prediction is very difficult, Especially of the future ” attributed to Niels Bohr
Conjugated vs. Saturated Molecules: Importance of Contact Bonding Kushmerick et al., PRL (2002) 2- vs. 1-side Au-S bonded conjugated system gives at most 1 order of magnitude current increase compared to 3 orders for C 10 alkanes! S/AuAu/S S/AuAu// Au//CH 3 (CH 2 ) 7 S/Au Au/S(CH 2 ) 8 SAu
Where does the potential bias falls, and how? Image effect Electron-electron interaction (on the Hartree level) Vacuum Excess electron density Potential profile Xue, Ratner (2003) Galperin et al 2003 Galperin et al JCP 2003
Why is it important? D. Segal, AN, JCP 2002 Heat Release on junction Tian et al JCP 1998
Experiment Theoretical Model
Experimental i/V behavior
Experimental (Sek&Majda) a Current at the negative bias refers to the measurement with the Hg side of the junction biased negative relative to the Au side.
Potential distribution
NEGF - HF calculation
HS - CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3... CH 3 CH 2 - SH MO Segment Orbital
TIMESCALE CONSIDERATIONS Does the tunneling electron interact with other degrees of freedom and what are the possible consequences of this interaction? The case of electron tunneling in water
Overbarrier electron transmission through water (D 2 O on Pt(1,1,1)
A look from above on a water film
Effective Barrier The effective one-dimensional barrier obtained by fitting the low energy tunneling probability to the analytical results for tunneling through a rectangular barrier. Solid, dotted, and dashed lines correspond to the polarizable, nonpolarizable, and bare barrier potentials, respectively.
The numerical problem (1)Get a potential (2)Electrostatics (3)Generate Water configurations (4)Tunneling calculations (5)Integrate to get current
Potentials for electron transmission through water Water-Water RWKM, SPC/E Electron-Water Barnett et al +correction for many body polarizability Water-Wall Henziker et al (W-Pt), Hautman et al (W-Au) Electron-Wall Square Barrier Earlier studies – Tunneling through static water configurations
STM model Fig. 1. A model system used to compute electron transmission between two electrodes, L and R separated by a narrow spatial gap (M) containing a molecular species. The surface S 1 of L is shaped to mimic a tip. The lines A'B', C'D' and AB and CD are projections of boundary surfaces normal to the transmission direction (see text for details). The numerical solution is carried on a grid (Shown).
Potential distribution A cut of the external potential distribution between the tip and the flat substrate for a voltage drop of 0.5V between these electrodes The image potential along different lines normal to the flat electrode: (1) x=0 (a line going through the tip axis); (2) x=11.96au (distance from the tip axis); (3) x=23.92au.
Absorbing boundary conditions Green's function method: Replace by i (r), smoothly rising towards edges of M system, provided LM and MR boundaries are set far enough
The self energy - 2 For nearest neighbor coupling:
Tunneling current in water Current against bias voltage in a biased tip-planar electrode junction under water. Upper and lower lines are results for single water configurations characterized by tip-substrate separation of 5.85Å (2 water monolayers) and 12.15Å (4 water monolayers), respectively. The intermediate group of lines are results for 5 different water configurations at tip-substrate separation 9Å (3 water monolayers).
Resonance transmission through water
Tunneling supporting structures in water
Transmission through several water configurations (equilibrium, 300K) A compilation of numerical results for the transmission probability as a function of incident electron energy, obtained for 20 water configurations sampled from an equilibrium trajectory (300K) of water between two planar parallel Pt(100) planes separated by 10Å. The vacuum is 5eV and the resonance structure seen in the range of 1eV below it varies strongly between any two configurations. Image potential effects are disregarded in this calculation.