Dead Sea, satellite view:
Dead Sea: n.jpg
Dead Sea, lowest point: %29.jpg
Dead Sea, aerial view: one.jpg
Political and geographic map:
Jordan River:
Dead Sea, shrinking (gif): r_1960_-_2007.gif
Dead Sea, showing dropping water levels:
Dead Sea, salt beach and cliffs:
Dead Sea, formation of salt crystals: ea.JPG
Dead Sea, salty shoreline:
Dead Sea, salt crystals on rocks:
Dead Sea salt formations: salt-the-best-medicine-to-cure-psoriasis/
Dead Sea, salt crystals: disappearing-day-by-day/
Dead Sea, person floating: of-the-dead-sea-israel/
Dead Sea, Mt. Sodom: htm
Dead Sea, “Lot’s Wife,” Sodom Mountains:
Dead Sea, salt ponds: Sea---Salt-Evaporation-Ponds.jpg
Dead Sea, sand sinkholes:
Dead Sea, chalk layers: disappearing-day-by-day/
Dead Sea scrolls, cave: n.html
Dead Sea, many sinkholes:
Dead Sea tectonics: pages/dead_sea/tectonic.html
Dead Sea; nice tectonic map: sintro.html
Dead Sea Scrolls: scrolls-and-a-can-of-worms/
Lake Assal, Djibouti:
Geoid: defines-the-horizontal-tracing-a
Caspian Sea
Salton Trough:
Turpan Depression: ge=77