6601 Project---Graphics --Enhancing Plots --Fine Control of Graphics Xingyan Bai, Qian Zhang, Ying Li
Enhancing Plots Multiple figures on one plot Adding information Using Color Identifying points interactively Adding further axes and grids Adding legends Mathematics in labels
Multiple figures on one plot par(mfrow = c(…)) par(mfcol = c(…)) split.screen(figs, screen, …) screen(n =, …) erase.screen(n = ) close.screen(n, …) subplot(fun, …) in S-plus
Multiple figures on one plot Example Code: split.screen(figs=c(3,2)) [1] hist(t.stars, nclass=20, prob=TRUE) screen(3) hist(t.stars, nclass=10, prob=TRUE) screen(6) hist(t.stars, nclass=30, prob=TRUE)
Multiple figures on one plot Example Code: par(mfrow=c(2,3)) hist(t.stars, nclass=20, prob=TRUE) hist(t.stars, nclass=10, prob=TRUE) hist(t.stars, nclass=30, prob=TRUE) hist(t.stars, nclass=5, prob=TRUE) hist(t.stars, nclass=15, prob=TRUE) hist(t.stars, nclass=50, prob=TRUE)
Using Color Code par(mfrow=c(2,1)) hist(t.stars, nclass=20, prob=TRUE, col='gray', border='white') hist(t.stars, nclass=10, prob=TRUE, col='green', border='red')
Code par(mfrow=c(1,1)) plot(data$x, data$y) identify(data$x,data$y) [1] Identifying points interactively
Code locator(5,type='l') $x [1] $y [1] Identifying points using locator()
Code > library(MASS) > attach(wtloss) > oldpar <- par() > par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 4.1)) > plot(Days, Weight, type = "p", ylab = "Weight (kg)") > Wt.lbs <- pretty(range(Weight*2.205)) > axis(side = 4, at = Wt.lbs/2.205, lab = Wt.lbs, srt = 90) > mtext("Weight (lb)", side = 4, line = 3) > detach() > par(oldpar) Adding further axes and grids
Adding legends Code plot(ecdf(y), main='Empirical Distribution of Y') curve(pexp(x, 1/mean(y)), add=TRUE, col='red') legend(200, 0.6, c('EDF','Fitted model (Exponential)'), + lty=c(1,1), col=c('black','red'))
Fine Control of Graphics Par Command Figure region and layout parameters Common axes for figures
Par Command Par ( name = value) set value to name Par (name) return the value of name Par () return a list of all the graphics parameters
Figure region and layout parameters Regions: plot region, margins, figure region, device region Layout parameters: control size and position of figure and plot regions mar()/mai(): for margin region, fig(): for figure as a fraction of device region, plt(): for plot as a fraction of figure region. User coordinates: for positions in the plot region
Example for layout parameters Code x <- rnorm(50) y <- rnorm(x) z <- rexp(x) par(fig = c(0, 2/3, 0, 1)) plot(x, y) par(fig = c(2/3, 1, 0, 1)) plot(x, z) par("usr") [1]
Example for layout parameters
Common axes for figures Use the same xlim or ylim Set up the desired axis system with the first plot and then use Par to set the low-level parameter xaxs = “d” & yaxs = “d”, which (direct) specifies that the current axis should be used on subsequent plots. Some of the more commonly used general and high- level graphics parameters see Table4.4(page 87)
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