Dr Susannah Thorpe Dr Jeremy Pritchard Am I an Ape? Christmas lecture
10s of years
100s of years
1000s of years
1,000,000s of years ago MYA
Human Chimp Gorilla Orangutan Monkey
Human Chimp
Human Australopithecus afarensis Lucy, 3 mya 1st to walk bipedally
Human Homo habilis 2 mya 1 st to use stone tools Australopithecus afarensis Lucy, 3 mya 1st to walk bipedally
Human Homo erectus 1 mya 1 st to make fire & hunt Homo habilis 2 mya 1 st to use stone tools Australopithecus afarensis Lucy, 3 mya 1st to walk bipedally
Dr Susannah Thorpe Dr Jeremy Pritchard Am I an Ape? …….Brains Christmas lecture
Human Chimp H. erectus H. habilis A. afarensis Monkey ancestor
Human Chimp H. erectus H. habilis A. afarensis Monkey ancestor
Dr Susannah Thorpe Dr Jeremy Pritchard Am I an Ape? …locomotion Christmas lecture
Swinging by its arms Running on its legs We can work out how extinct species moved by studying their humero-femoral index: length of humerus vs. length of femur
Femur Humerus Humero-femoral index: 70 Measuring your humero-femoral index
Dr Susannah Thorpe Dr Jeremy Pritchard Am I an Ape? …bipedalism Christmas lecture
Body shape Greasy skin Lots of sweat glands Less body hair Body fat Crying salt tears Human babies can swim
Lockable knees pelvic tilt & valgus angle Chimp and human bipedalism
Dr Susannah Thorpe Dr Jeremy Pritchard Am I an Ape? …footprints Christmas lecture
Summary Our relationships to other animals follow the same structure as our relationships to human relatives Humans brains are big, but then so are the other apes We are the only primate to walk bipedally, but actually there are many similarities to the gait of other apes
Dr Susannah Thorpe Dr Jeremy Pritchard I am an Ape! Christmas lecture