The Museum Project The Museum Project Yoav Gvili & Asaf Stein Supervisor : Alexander Arlievsky
Introduction The museum project idea is to supply museum visitors with a private guide to guide them through their museum tour. The museum project idea is to supply museum visitors with a private guide to guide them through their museum tour. Project Goals Blue Tooth – Research: The project was designed in a wireless connotation (for Bluetooth). Blue Tooth – Research: The project was designed in a wireless connotation (for Bluetooth). Implementation of a suitable server – client application: Implementation of a suitable server – client application: * Server – Windows NT/2000 OS. * Client – Windows CE OS. Building a suitable Data Base for Museum and Clients information. Building a suitable Data Base for Museum and Clients information. Building a Messaging service for the Museum clients. Building a Messaging service for the Museum clients. Developing a Web Browser controller for Windows CE OS. Developing a Web Browser controller for Windows CE OS.
Http server is needed for supplying HTML files to Client’s Browser. Every room may contain one or more wireless pico – nets. Bluetooth units of all Rooms are connected to LAN Every client has a Bluetooth unit Project Architecture *The project was built on LAN using TCP/IP Protocol. Application Server – Manages clients communication and Museum’s Data Base
Client main screen A link to the tour select page. Enables changing the tour route while touring the museum. Opens “new Messages” dialog. Enables writing & sending messages to other members of client’s group. Opens the read messages dialog Get current room info and displays it in browser Our Web Browser Controller
1.Activates the Add new group dialog 2.Activates the Add single client dialog 3.Activates the Remove group dialog 4.Activates the Remove single client dialog 5.Quit program The Server application main window The Server application main window