Presidential Nominations
Who selects the nominee? Historically… Members of Congress State party leaders Primary voters –(Or just those in Iowa and New Hampshire?)
Rules of the 2008 race Frontloading
Date 1996 Jan wk1 Jan wk2 Jan wk3 Jan wk4 AK, HI Feb wk1 LA Feb wk2 IA Feb wk3 NH Feb wk4 DE, AZ, ND, SD Mar wk1 CA, CT, GA, ME, MD, HI, MN, ND, MA, NY, OH, RI, VT
Date Jan wk1 IA, WY Jan wk2 NH, Jan wk3 MI, NV Jan wk4 SC, FLAK, HI Feb wk1 ME, CA, NY, IL, NJ, MA, GA, MN, MO, TN, CO, AZ, AL, CT, AR, OK, KS, NM, UT, DE, ID, ND, AL, MT LA Feb wk2 LA, NE, WA, ME, DC, MD, VA, HI, WI IA Feb wk3 NH Feb wk4 DE, AZ, ND, SD Mar wk1 OH, RI, TX, VTCA, CT, GA, ME, MD, HI, MN, ND, MA, NY, OH, RI, VT
Rules of the 2008 race Frontloading –Effect on “Momentum”? –Importance of the Invisible Primary? Demise of public finance?
The demise of public finance FECA Creates a voluntary subsidy for candidates who enter primary elections –All funds candidates raise in amounts of $250 or less (if they raise $5000 in 20 different states) are matched by the federal government on Jan 1 of election year –If you take the federal money, you abide by overall and state by state spending restrictions (about $44 million in 2004) Public financing ($74 million in 2004) for general election campaigns (with limits on campaign spending)
Rules of the 2008 race Frontloading –Effect on “Momentum”? –Importance of the Invisible Primary? Demise of public finance? PR vs. the Unit Rule (Democratic party)
California Open primary 370 delegates selected today 241 allocated proportionally based on primary results in each of 53 congressional districts 129 allocated based on statewide vote Polls close 8:00 pm 3 delegates: CDs 20, 47 4 delegates: CDs 2, 3, 11, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 26, 31, 32, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51, 52 5 delegates: CDs 1, 4, 5, 7, 10, 13, 15, 17, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 33, 35, 36, 37, 50, 53 6 delegates: CDs 6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 30
California Closed Primary 170 delegates 159 allocated to the winner in each of 53 congressional districts (3 per district) 11 allocated to winner of statewide vote Polls close 8pm
Delegate count so far…
Who is advantaged by these rules?
So who selects the nominee? State party leaders? Primary voters? Large contributors? The Press? A combination?