HS/DSL Project Yael GrossmanArik Krantz Implementation and Synthesis of a 3- Port PCI-Express Switch
Project Description We will implement: 3 - port switch for PCI-Express Transfer rate: 2.5 GBit/sec 1 upstream, 2 downstream full-duplex ports CRC support at the DLL layer Arbitration mechanism for incoming packets Packet routing through lookup tables
Switch Relative to System
Layered Switch Model
CRC computation and verification mechanism Applied in the Data Link layer Transport control mechanism Via ACK/NACKs Applied in the Data Link layer Unacknowledged TLPs retransmitted after timeout Routing mechanism Forwarding based on central lookup table Applied in the Transaction layer Initial configuration mechanism Static loading of lookup tables at startup Primary Structures
1. Detailed design 2 weeks Data flow diagram (transmitter/ receiver) for ports Queue and buffer structure for ports Lookup table structure and algorithm Packet handling algorithms 2.System block design 2 weeks Division of the system into interconnected entities Definition of appropriate architecture per entity Preparation for VHDL implementation 3.VHDL coding 4 weeks In accordance with architecture design Semester Plan