CLIVAR 11 th -12 th -13 th February A 44 years ocean circulation hindcast using a 3D model: steric effect in sea level variability M.I. Ferrer, M.G. Sotillo, E. Álvarez-Fanjul, D. Gomis, P. Oddo, J.M. Baldasano.
CLIVAR 11 th -12 th -13 th February 2009 Index VANIMEDAT Project & Objectives Oceanic Model: NEMO Hindcast configuration Validation Conclusions
CLIVAR 11 th -12 th -13 th February 2009 Project & Objectives VANIMEDAT project (funded by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia) Sea level decadal and interdecadal variability in the Mediterranean Sea. oDirect determination of the steric component from a baroclinic model forced by HIPOCAS air-sea fluxes. oRun 44 years ( ) NEMO model using HIPOCAS atmospheric forcing. Data base used to study variability in the Mediterranean Sea and Iberian Atlantic Waters
CLIVAR 11 th -12 th -13 th February 2009 Model: NEMO NEMO (Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean) is a state- of-the-art modelling framework for oceanographic research, operational oceanography seasonal forecast and climate studies. oOcean dynamics: NEMO-OPA Evolution and reliability of NEMO are organised by a European Consortium between oCNRS (Centre National de la recherque scientifique) oMercator-Ocean oUKMO (Met Office) oNERC (Natural Environment Research Council) Website:
CLIVAR 11 th -12 th -13 th February 2009 Hindcast configuration Model domain Horizontal res. 1/8º Vertical res. 72 levels 14ºW-36.25ºE 30.25ºN-46ºN Initial conditions: T/S ORCA model (resolution 1/4º) Global ocean-ice model for a long simulation ( ) Initial salinity Initial temperature Bathymetry (m) Initial salinity Initial temperature
CLIVAR 11 th -12 th -13 th February 2009 Hindcast configuration Forcing: oAtmospheric forcing with bulk formula: HIPOCAS data base time resolution: hourly spatial resolution ~0.5º oRelaxation to surface ORCA salinity time resolution: monthly files spatial resolution 1/4º oAtlantic damping to salinity and temperature (ORCA) in a buffer zone
CLIVAR 11 th -12 th -13 th February 2009 Hindcast configuration Forcing: oAtmospheric forcing with bulk formula: HIPOCAS data base time resolution: hourly spatial resolution ~0.5º oRelaxation to surface ORCA salinity time resolution: monthly files spatial resolution 1/4º oAtlantic damping to salinity and temperature (ORCA) in a buffer zone
CLIVAR 11 th -12 th -13 th February 2009 Hindcast configuration Initial configuration (bathymetry, rivers) from INGV (Instituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Bologna) Bulk formulation from INGV Linear free surface filtered formulation MPI parallel mode The 44-years hindcast is running at Marenostrum supercomputer located in Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)
CLIVAR 11 th -12 th -13 th February 2009 Validation Validation first period January 1991 to November 2001 oTime series of surface salinity, temperature. oRMSE Data sets: oAVHRR SST oMedatlas Climatology oORCA model
CLIVAR 11 th -12 th -13 th February 2009 Surface Temperature Monthly Mean Satellite (green) NEMO (black) ORCA (blue)
CLIVAR 11 th -12 th -13 th February 2009 Surface Temperature differences NEMO-Sat (black) ORCA-Sat (blue)
CLIVAR 11 th -12 th -13 th February 2009 Surface Salinity Monthly Mean Medatlas (red) NEMO (black) ORCA (blue)
CLIVAR 11 th -12 th -13 th February 2009 RMSE Medatlas Salinity
CLIVAR 11 th -12 th -13 th February 2009 Conclusions An ocean reanalysis tool based on a 3D baroclinic model forced by hourly HIPOCAS data has been developed. Extensive validation for the period show good agreement with data. The generated data will be useful to study ocean climate variability, upgrading the HIPOCAS database. The model application is a powerful tool to generate future scenarios.