Robust Tools for Archiving and Preserving Digital Data Joseph JaJa, Mike Smorul, and Mike McGann Institute for Advanced Computer Studies Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Maryland, College Park
Transcontinental Persistent Archive Prototype (TPAP) – ERA Project Partnership between NARA, San Diego Supercomputer Center, and the University of Maryland. A distributed testbed built on a set of heterogeneous grid bricks linked by the SRB data grid technology. Our contributions: scalable, platform- independent tools and technologies tested and evaluated over TPAP.
ADAPT – Approach to Digital Archiving and Preservation Technology Layered digital object architecture and a set of modular tools built using open standards and web technologies. Can easily accommodate emerging standards and policies. will evolve gracefully as the underlying technologies change. Evaluation and demonstration of tools on widely different collections.
Software Developed and Tested on TPAP: Data Management Metadata Management Administrative Metadata Preservation Metadata Descriptive Metadata Deep Archive Storage Data Grid Storage Digital Library Storage Ingestion Workflow PAWN M e t a d a t a D a t a Search Access Monitoring and Preservation Services
PAWN – Producer Archive Workflow Network Software that provides a flexible and customizable ingestion framework Handles the process in a reliable and secure fashion: From package assembly To archival storage Simple interface for end-users Flexible interface for archive managers Designed for use in multiple contexts
ACE – Auditing Control Environment Software to ensure the long term integrity of digital objects. Underpinnings are based on rigorous cryptographic techniques. Automatic regular audits based on policies set by the archive manager. Scalable, cost-effective, and can interoperate with any archiving architecture.
TPAP Replication Monitoring Portal that provides overview of a collection status over SRB zones. Ensures that new objects are replicated to relevant sites. Tracks files at master locations and periodically copy new files to replica sites. Log actions on a collection and errors during replication
Other Technologies PAWN – Related: APIs for different packaging technologies (METS and XFDU). ICDL Book Builder – Interface to enable bulk ingestion of digital objects already managed by a database. FOCUS (FOrmat CUration Service): a scalable, and secure registry for persistent information and services applied to formats.