Academy 02 Introduction to propositions, Buying products Get connected to B&R 1
1. Summary 2. News & Experiences 3. Your portfolio 4. Propositions 5. Due diligence 6. Executing Propositions 7. Topic suggestions? 2
What do you still know? Stocks Bonds Investment funds Trackers Commodities Commercial property Currencies 3
Dividend Price Earnings Risk exposure Equity Voting rights 4 AssetsLiabilities BuildingsEquity (stocks) PPELong term debt (bonds) CashShort term debt
Debt Coupons Price Earnings Risk exposure Corporate Bonds and Government bonds 5
Diversification Dividend Price earnings Benchmarking 6
Buildings Price earnings Rent Large investments Investment funds 7
Exchange rate earnings Hedging risk Confidence Rating 8
Price earnings Scarcity of resources 9
10 StocksDividend & Profits BondsCoupons & Profits Savings accountRisk free rate
What did you encounter last week? ◦ Events ◦ Sentiment ◦ Consequences ◦ Efficient market hypothesis (EMH) 11
Dexia and French banks Greece (PIGS) Euro Unemployment US Market today 12
Risk vs. Return Long term vs. Short term Classes Large vs. many positions Leveraged investment 13
Investment funds Trackers Company risk Spreading risks Sector differences 14
Research Selection (what and how) ◦ Trends Discussion pro’s & cons in the group Goals and Targets Taking profits and losses Annual returns 15
Your stock proposals Voting Buying the stock 16
Your stock proposals Voting Buying the stock 18
Market order Limit order Stop-Loss order 19
Turbo’s (lecture 3) ◦ ABN Amro Fundamental vs. Technical Analysis (lecture 4) Options (lecture 5) Option Strategies (lecture 6) Day Trading 20
Types of investment How to make a sound Proposal Executing an order Next lectures; Tracking our position … 21
Year Schedule 27 th of OctoberStart of the investment year Social Sus&Co 10 th of NovemberAcademy and social drink 24 th of NovemberSocial Sus&Co 26th of NovemberDay of the investor (Dutch event) 30 th of NovemberPoker tournament 1 st of decemberTraders Trophy 8 th of DecemberAcademy and social drink 11 th of AprilSymposium 22