CMPUT 101 Lab# – October 1, 2007
Lab 4 No demo Questions and the answer sheet can be found on the course website (pdf) Write your answers in the answer sheet. Submit the answer sheet in the lab and be sure to sign your name on the marking sheet.
Truth table A table shows all possible input combinations and a desired output Examples AND, OR, NOT truth tables.
Sum-of-product algorithm Finding a Boolean expression given a truth table. Steps: 1. Look at the truth table, only pay attention to the “1” outputs. 2. Express those inputs using the AND operation 1. If the input is “1”, express as the input. 2. If the input is “0”, express as the NOT input. 3. Combine each sub-expression with the OR operation. Show the example.
Draw the circuit Draw a circuit diagram from a given Boolean expression. Using AND, OR, NOT operations. You can assume we have 3-input gates. Or you can use two 2-input gates for 3 input expressions. Show the example using Simcir.
Hexadecimal Binary in hexadecimal is: AAA in hexadecimal is: F in binary is: 8F
Lab 5 No lab next week. It is the mid-term week. Good luck. No lab on the following week either Lab 5 will be on the 22 nd.