CH3Br, 291009 HBr detection agust, www,...Sept09/PPT-291009ak.ppt.


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Presentation transcript:

CH3Br, HBr detection agust, www,...Sept09/PPT ak.ppt

cm CH 3 Br 10k 40k 70k CH 3 Br* C*( 1 D 2 )+H 2 +HBr C**( 1 D 2 )+H 2 +HBr J’’ k 150k C + +H 2 +HBr+e Thus for example: How to detect HBr In neighbourhood of cm-1?

HBr REMPI spectra: 1) See our paper: JCP, 112(24), 10811, (2000): Main reference for HBr (2+1)REMPI is: R. Callaghan & RJ Gordon, JCP, 93(7), 4624, (1990): Look for H 79 Br + and/or H 81 Br + ion signals vs 2hv in that region