December 1, 2003 Jeannie Renné National Renewable Energy Laboratory Climate Technology Partnership: US/Mexico Collaboration
Presentation Outline Climate Technology Partnership: Background CTP Partnerships and Collaboration in Mexico: CONAE/NREL Lead Implementing Agencies CTP Focus in Mexico: Energy Service Company Market Development
Climate Technology Partnership Objective: Promote sustainable development, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other harmful air pollutants, and support technology transfer under the UNFCCC through accelerated implementation of clean energy technologies in partnership with developing and transition countries and the business and donor community. Origin: In 1997, the USEPA, USDOE y USAID launched the Technology Transfer Agreement Pilot Project (TCAPP), as a model to implement technology transfer under the UNFCCC. CTP: The U.S. ended the pilot phase of TCAPP and is continuing with a new phase of activities, referred to as the U.S. Climate Technology Partnership (CTP) to provide more in-depth support for implementation of a smaller number of high priority clean energy technologies several countries.
Overview of CTP Host Country Private Sector Donor and Finance Agencies International Coordination and Technical Support Results Determine priorities Determine priorities Increase investment Reduction of GHG emissions
CTP in Mexico Developed Technology Cooperation Framework in 1998: –Led by CONAE, with input from SENER, FIDE, IIE, ANES, INE and others –NREL is lead US implementing agency Identified Country Development Goals –Foster private investment in clean energy technologies and projects that speed economic development –Engage host country and international donor support for actions to build sustainable markets for clean energy and clean energy technologies –Promote cooperative work between local and international technical groups Selected Technology Priorities –Solar water heater market development –Steam generation project development –Energy service company (ESCO) project and market development Based on inter-agency consultations, CTP team decided to focus on ESCO market development in order to better utilize limited resources and personnel and achieve greater results
CTP Partnerships and Collaboration in Mexico Collaboration with key stakeholders in the transfer of environmentally-sound technologies, including: –US and Mexican government agencies and laboratories –International and Mexican business communities –Donor/Finance Agencies –NGOs –Technical institutions –International and Mexican Trade Associations Linkage with other US and International Programs –Included in the US/Mexico Energy Bi-National Agreement –Included in the USDOE’s Energy Efficiency for Sustainable Development (EESD) initiative –Korea/Mexico/US exchanging information on ESCO activities through CTP – joint side event at COP9
Goal to advance 4-8 ESCO projects in industrial and hotel sectors by end of 2003 –Build capacity in the Mexican ESCO industry (technical and financial) –Facilitate business partnerships between Mexican and international ESCOs –Improve economic performance of commercial and industrial buildings –Reduce local air pollutants and GHG emissions Key partnerships with CONAE, SENER, FIDE, NAESCO, ESC, ATPAE, and over a dozen US and Mexican ESCOs Focus on ESCO Market Development
Meetings and Site-Visits Among Activities
Contact Information Jeannie Renné (NREL) –Senior Project Leader, International and Environmental Programs – –Tel: Mónica Pérez (CONAE/NREL) –CTP In-country Coordinator – –Tel: (55) x