The Information Technologies for Sustainable Agricultural System in Khon Kaen - The Communication on Agricultural Information using Field Server - The Information Technologies for Sustainable Agricultural System in Khon Kaen - The Communication on Agricultural Information using Field Server - University of Tokyo (UT) National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences (NIAES) Decemver 26, in Khon Kaen, Thailand
Application of agro-informatics to safe agricultural production management Global observation data for agricultural production Tools for data fusion of agricultural information Collaboration between University and Institutes input Agricultural production supporting tool considering propagating information ( ) Collaboration system of DB and model ( ) Climate prediction by model Vegetation data by satellite Meteorological data History of agricultural crop management Data Integration and Fusion System Link to models Rice growth model Soil water prediction model Ecosystem model Early-warning system for cold- weather damage Check system of right crop for right land system Societal Benefits Information based on knowledge from scientific data and models ↓ Low-cost, high-quality and safe agricultural production How much pesticide should we spread? Most appropriate day Seeding, planting, fertilizing Soil moisture control Prediction of the best cultivation day future vegetation of cabbage Decision by agricultural information Future application Solution of food and environmental issues in the world Real-time observation data in agricultural field Tools for data collection
Web-based suitable crops judgment system Masaru Mizoguchi, University of Tokyo, Japan
Background There are some fears that the rice production will be damaged by global warming. If farmers know the potential crop production except rice, it is very helpful for agriculture and economy in Khon Kaen. We are now developing a Web-based search tool for potential cropping by GSBUA.
GSBUA (Global Scale Bottom Up Approach) A new concept that we propose to emphasize the importance of farmers' action for global warming fear. Practice by farmers is more important than just a theory.
Web-based suitable crops judgment system is developed based on the principle that the programs in existence for plant growth should be applicable to different weather data without any modifications. can check a suitable field and crop can search possibility of rice cropping in all areas over the world can display the potential rice cropping for any breed on Google map
Principle: Horizontal integration of weather data Observed Short term prediction Normal year value Real time prediction Harvest plan Protection plan Fertilizer application plan Labor plan Shipping plan Normal year prediction Optimal crop Prediction of potential Growth period Future Prediction Impact assessment Cropping map under global warming Long term prediction Normal year Today
Example of GSBUA Suitable search tool for field & crop Select the location on Google Map Get meteorological information nearest the location
Can predict growth rate in global warming
Select breed
Select the location
Estimate meteorological condition using observation data near the location
登熟 出穂 気温+日長 DVI ( DeVelopmental Index 発育指数) 移植日= 0 ,出穂期= 1 Display the predicted result
In cold region, ・・
生育せず Cannot grow because it is too cold
Can Koshi-hikari grow in Thailand?
Grow faster than Japan Can potential cropping in all over the world using the same program ( But now only on the condition of much water) We need to estimate soil moisture!
農業政策を支援するツール 農業政策決定者 専門家からの報告 ニュース・歴史的背景 etc… 日本の稲作を海外で展開 したい.中国やタイで展 開するには? 現地農民はどうしたいのだろう か? 過去の栽培履歴や災害履歴・歴史 的背景などは? 現地の状況を細かく知りた い。気温,降水量,日射量, 土壌, GIS データなど. 農業単独での取り組みでは 不十分.どの分野と組み合 わせればよいだろう? DIAS のコアシステム 様々な機関のデータ 穀物価格の急騰 気候変動による収穫減 途上国の食料危機 食の安全・安心の確保 ↓ 日本の農業技術の出番 温暖化になっても農作物は 栽培できるのだろうか?