Improving Practice in the Sector MAW connections to TRAC and activity costing Will Foster September
Academic Workloads and TRAC What TRAC requires from a TAS Practicalities to make WLBM fit for purpose Issues and Responses Building on the Basics- Data becomes Management Information
What TRAC requires from a TAS What is needed to achieve a robust method- Schedules are used Cover periods that are representative of 12 months within 3 year cycle Individual academics complete themselves Response rates are statistically sound Data is collected over a 3 year cycle
Practical Steps Individual WLBM School WLBM Mapping Exercise School TRAC Faculty/ University TRAC TRAC % allocations TRAC schedules
Issues and Responses Internal Audit Some issues on robustness “The information provided by the WLBM continues to be at least as robust as data obtained under the methods suggested in the TRAC guidance”
Issues and Responses KPMG QA Review In current form not considered robust under the TRAC guidance To achieve robustness- Academics to review (positively) 3 * Year Classification should be formalised All activities and time to be covered Head of School to undertake reasonableness check
Issues and Responses Meeting with JM Consulting Action Plan Statistical Sampling Statistical Advice (Internal) Simple Questionnaire Statistical Review Better Documentation Clearer Linkage to TRAC definitions
TRAC Guidance “ It is unlikely that many institutions currently have workload planning models with [ the required ] level of rigour
TAS Characteristics Workload 100% Coverage –Every academic, every year Underpinned by other data sets- timetables, secured projects etc Updated in real time for changes Integral to actual activity Validated at HoS level
TAS Characteristics Diaries, Sampling etc Incomplete coverage Problems with recall Not integrated with other managerial processes “ Completion fatigue” and falling response rates
Building on the Basics Using WLBM for TRAC always seen as a means to achieve internal benefit Activity Costing calculated at School level from Year 1 Pilot Course Costing from 2002 Full Exercise from 2004 onwards Professorial Data Review 2008 Link to other initiatives e.g. Benchmarking