Kingdom Plantae Defined 1. Photosynthetic Eukaryotes. 2. Chloroplasts contain both chlorophylls a & b. 3. Stores carbohydrates (mostly starch). 4. Adult plants develop from embryos protected by tissue from the parent plant - are embryophytes. 5. Have alternation of generation.
Big 5 Mass Extinctions EX
Cambrian Period 543 - 500 mya Devonian Period 409-354 mya Permian 290 - 245 mya Creataceous 144 - 65 mya
Phylogenetic Hierarchy Kingdom Phylum (Division) Class Order Family Genus species Binomial: Genus species or Genus species
Evolution of Plants
“Algae” a common name that includes organisms from 2 different Domains (3 kingdoms)
Kingdoms of the 3 Domains D: Archaea K: Archebacteria D: Bacteria K: Bacteria D: Eukarya K: Fungi K: Protista (Protocista) K: Plantae (Phyta) K: Animalia
Where “Algae” are Found: D: Archaea K: Archebacteria D: Bacteria……………….bluegreen algae K: Bacteria D: Eukarya K: Fungi K: Protista (Protocista)…green,brown, red... algae K: Plantae (Phyta) K: Animalia
Div: Cyanobacteria “bluegreen algae” 1. Prokaryotic 2. Has chlorophyll a & phycobillins - phycocyanin and phycoerytherin.
Div: Cyanobacteria “bluegreen algae” 1. Prokaryotic 2. Has chlorophyll a & phycobillins - phycocyanin and phycoerytherin. 3. Many have heterocysts and are nitrogen fixers. 4. Stores food as cytophycean starch (glycogen). 5. Many have gas vacuoles. 6. May form akinetes, resistant spores. 7. Many have slimy sheaths. 8. Reproduction by cell division, fragmentation or spores - asexual only……
Div: Cyanobacteria “bluegreen algae” Unicellular: Gloeocapsa ill thick sheath around individual cells. Often grows in mixed algae. Chamaesiphon ill Epiphytic on other algae. Has holdfast. Spores released through a exopore.
Div: Cyanobacteria “bluegreen algae” Filamentous: Oscillatoria trichome and filament (plus sheath) oscillatory motion - hormogonium fragmentation - ill
Div: Cyanobacteria “bluegreen algae” Filamentous: Oscillatoria ill trichome and filament (plus sheath) oscillatory motion - hormogonium fragmentation - Anabaena & Nostoc can form large masses - thick sheath prominent heterocyts and akinetes Nostoc form motile trichomes under red and green light.
Div: Cyanobacteria “bluegreen algae” Anabaena heterocyst spore (akinete) Nostoc ill
Div: Cyanobacteria “bluegreen algae” Anabaena heterocyst
Div: Cyanobacteria “bluegreen algae”
D: Eukaryota K: Protista (Divisions)“algae”-
K; Protista Div: Chlorophyta 1. Stores starch in plastids 2. One or more nucleoli. 3. Chloroplasts have 2-6 thylacoids 4. Cell wall of cellulose. 5. Flagella 9+2 arrangement. 6. Chl a, chl b, carotenes and xanthophylls. 7. Starch (pyrenoids)
K: Protista Div: Chlorophyta Unicellular: Chlorella no sexual reproduction Chlamydomonas 2 anterior flagella eyespot contractile vacuole monobiontic (n)
K: Protista Div: Chlorophyta Unicellular: Chlamydomonas 2 anterior flagella eyespot contractile vacuole ill sexual - isogamtetes Monobiontic (n) isogametes (1n) -> plasogamy & karyogamy -> zoospore(2n) -> meiosis -> isogametes (1n)
K: Protista Div: Chlorophyta Unicellular: Desmid (Cosmarium) ill 4-39
K: Protista Div: Chlorophyta Unicellular: Desmids (Microasterias) semicells - isthmus 1 nucleus in isthhmus sexual reproduction (conjugation) - monobiontic (n)
K: Protista Div: Chlorophyta Filamentous: Oedogonium Intercalary growth Ulothrix Haplontic life cycle Monobiontic (n) (main free living Plant body is n or 2n – not both.)
K: Protista Div: Chlorophyta Filamentous: Spirogyra sexual - conjugation monobiontic (n)
K: Protista Div: Chlorophyta Colonial: Volvox monobiontic (n)
K: Protista Div: Chlorophyta Colonial: Hydradictyon Monobiontic (2n) ill 4-20A,B
K: Protista Div: Chlorophyta Coenocytic: Acetobularia “Mermaid’s Parasol” Haploid (n) Marine, tropical rootlike, stemlike, leaflike branches. Cap forms cysts and gametes
K: Protista Div: Chlorophyta Coenocytic: Caulerpa & Codium Diploid (2n), coenocytic Monobiontic Marine rootlike, stemlike, leaflike branches. Gametes (form by meiosis, n, bud off of leaf or stem)
K: Protista D: Chlorophyta Codium
K: Protista D: Chlorophyta Codium
K: Protista Div: Chlorophyta Cladophora
K: Protista Div: Chlorophyta Ulva 2 cell layers holdfast coenocytic marine or brackish dibiontic (1n and 2n)
K: Protista Div: Chlorophyta Ulva Isomorphic life cycle Dibiontic haploid & diploid
K: Protista Div: Charophyta “stoneworts” 1. Stores starch in plastids 2. One or more nucleoli. 3. Cell wall of cellulose. 4. Chl a, chl b, carotenes and ill 5-1 xanthophylls. 5. Starch Chara 6. Whorled branching: regular nodes and internodes. 7. Covered with calcareous surface layers.
K: Protista Div: Charophyta “stoneworts” Nitella sp. Chara sp. Ill 5-3 ill 5-6 nodes & internodes oogonium & antheridium
K: Protista Div: Euglenophyta 1. Stores food - Paramylon & fats. 2. Reproduction: Cell Division sexual (?) 3. Chl a & chl b Carotenes & Xanthophylls. 4. Also Phagocytic. 5. No Cell wall. 6. Motile with flagellum
K: Protista Div: Chrysophyta “Diatoms” or Golden Brown Algae” 1. Chl a & chl c, high amount carotenes and xanthophylls 2. Cell wall of cellulose and silica - 2 articulated portions 3. Never stores starch - other carbohydrates & oils.
K: Protista: Div: Pyrrophyta “Dinoflagellates” 1. Chl a & chl c, carotenes and xanthophylls some have no chlorophyll 2. Cell wall of cellulose & oils. 3. Usually 2 flagella - 1 trailing & 1 girdling. 4. Some species produce “red tides” in stagnant waters - neurotoxins - fish kills.
K: Protista: Div: Pyyrophyta “Dinoflagellates”
K: Protista Div: Phaeophyta “Brown Algae or Kelps” 1. Mainly marine. Annual & perennial. 2. Chl a & Chl c, carotenes Xanthophylls (Fucoxanthin). 3. Laminarin, no starch, mannitol, fat droplets. Ill 7-6 4. Cell wall: cellulose alginic acid 5. Many have leaflike. rootlike and stemlike structures. 6. Sexual reproduction 2n plant body.
K: Protista Div: Rhodophyta 1. Mainly tropical seas some fresh water. 2. Filamentous or foliaceous. 3. Chl a & chl d, carotenoids, phycocyanin, much phycoerythrin. 4. Stores Floridean starch - glucose polymer (15) 5. Cell wall - cellulose, gelatinous material – hydrocolloids “agar” galatose phosphate polymer 6. Sexual and asexual reproduction complex - like some Fungi
K: Protista Div: Rhodophyta
D: Eukaryota K: Protista (Divisions)“algae”-
K: Protista Div: Oomycota “water molds” Saprolegnia aquatic Multinucleated or Coenocytic Flagellated Reproductive Cells (n) Saprobic Cellulose Cell Walls “powdery mildews” terrestrial (Irish Potato Blight, 1845 - 1847)
K: Protista Div: Myxomycota “acellular slime molds” - Plasmodium has motile pseudopods coenocytic (2n nuclei) with cytoplasmic streaming (actin & myxomycin) no cell walls - endocytosis - spores (n) from erect fruiting bodies or sporangia - “swarm cells” motile spores – forms zygotes - > plasmodium - irregular, hard mass: sclerotia form under unfavorable conditions - > plasmodium - likes cool, moist habitats Physarum
K: Protists “cellular slime molds” - single, haploid (n) nucleated cells: myxamoebas (n) no cell walls - myxamoebas group into a single mass or slug under favorable conditions - endocytosis - spores (n) from erect fruiting bodies or sporangia - sexual cycle: myxamoebas fuse zygotes (2n) meiosis mxyamoebas (n)