1 Stefan Moeller 1 AMO Instrument Schedule ARR AMO Instrument Schedule Stefan Moeller – XES Manager June 30, 2009
2 Stefan Moeller 2 AMO Instrument Schedule ARR LCLS Layout 0 100m 200m 300m 400m Undulator FEL Diagnostics & Offset mirrors Front End Near Hall Far Hall X-Ray Tunnel AMO hutch 1
3 Stefan Moeller 3 AMO Instrument Schedule ARR NEH Hutches 1 and 2 Available March 2010 Available August 2009
4 Stefan Moeller 4 AMO Instrument Schedule ARR Hutch 1 AMO is enclosed in hutch 1 PPS, laser, equipment doors No access mode Remote control from separate Control Room 3 beam lines AMO, SXR, hard x-ray Shielded wall penetration Laser room above with laser beam transport into AMO hutch Enclosed laser table Incoupling mirrors into AMO beamline Exhaust system separate for each hutch Vacuum pumps located in hutch Water cooled electronic racks Overhead Crane
5 Stefan Moeller 5 AMO Instrument Schedule ARR Hutch 1 layout
6 Stefan Moeller 6 AMO Instrument Schedule ARR LCLS AMO Instrument Scientific Goals Investigate multiphoton and high-field x-ray processes in atoms, molecules and clusters Study time-resolved phenomena in atoms, molecules and clusters using ultrafast x-rays
7 Stefan Moeller 7 AMO Instrument Schedule ARR AMO Instrument The AMO instrument has four distinct vacuum chambers with different functions
8 Stefan Moeller 8 AMO Instrument Schedule ARR HFP Chamber X-Section Gas jet Ion TOF (3 options) 5 x ETOF X-ray beam Interaction Region Gas jet, 5 eTOFs, ion TOF
9 Stefan Moeller 9 AMO Instrument Schedule ARR Diagnostics Chamber Rest of the diagnostics chamber
10 Stefan Moeller 10 AMO Instrument Schedule ARR NEH Laser 10 Experiment Chambers Optical Transport Harmonics Pulse Compressor (Single Grating) Optical Transport Pulse Cleaner Regenerative Amplifier 1kHz, <5 mJ 30W Nd:YLF Pump 527nm 1.2 kHz 30 fs Mode Locked 800 nm 5 W Nd:YVO 4 Pulse Stretcher 30 fs Bandwidth Laser Hall Hutch 1 DIAGNOSTIC SUITE -Spectrometer -Autocorrelator -Frog -Beam Analyzer -Power Meters -Oscilloscopes
11 Stefan Moeller 11 AMO Instrument Schedule ARR Safety Review Process Presentation of AMO instrument to SOC Oct 2006 Safety Committees: Earthquake Electrical ESH Fire Marshall Hoisting and Rigging Radiation Safety ALARA Laser Safety Hazardous Experimental Equipment (HEEC) Presentations and reviews with SOC committees during design and installation
12 Stefan Moeller 12 AMO Instrument Schedule ARR Earthquake Safety Seismic Analysis of Anchors signed off by Professional Civil Engineer 4/09 Seismic Analysis of Instrument tables Reviewed, ready to be signed
13 Stefan Moeller 13 AMO Instrument Schedule ARR Electrical Safety Developed comprehensive device list with Controls group Most device are UL listed Not listed devices go through EEIP Devices built in house -> EEIP No devices require separate administrative or engineering controls Device list is complete Plan to present to SME next week
14 Stefan Moeller 14 AMO Instrument Schedule ARR Fire Safety Fire Marshall Hutch layout was presented Egress requirements were reviewed PPS doors have been reviewed Recommendations are being implemented Hutch maximum occupancy defined
15 Stefan Moeller 15 AMO Instrument Schedule ARR Hoisting and Rigging AMO H&R document was reviewed by SME Special lifting fixtures require certification Lifting procedures are being written with list of authorized personnel Documents to be submitted for approval Overhead crane has been approved
16 Stefan Moeller 16 AMO Instrument Schedule ARR Radiation Physics Ongoing meetings and reviews with RP Shielding requirements Beam intercepting components Ray trace and beam containment Operational modes Recent RSC review last week Approval is pending on one minor analysis
17 Stefan Moeller 17 AMO Instrument Schedule ARR Laser Safety Project was reviewed and documented in several memos Initial SOP has been approved Further steps are outlined in Memo On schedule to complete
18 Stefan Moeller 18 AMO Instrument Schedule ARR HEEC Project was presented to SME in March 09 Details of gas sources in the NEH are being worked out Performed Safety envelope calculations Recommendations are being reviewed in regards to experimental requirements Completion expected within next week
19 Stefan Moeller 19 AMO Instrument Schedule ARR AMO Schedule Installation nearly complete IRR July 15 First light July 31 Start commissioning Aug- Sept First User run Sept 15th
20 Stefan Moeller 20 AMO Instrument Schedule ARR Summary AMO instrument is on track to being completed for IRR July 15 Safety officers have been informed and consulted Recommendation are being implemented Documentation is nearly completed