The alteration of generation and complementary activities. - The conditions to a future farming on Öland.
Purpose: The purpose with this job is to identify and describe: In which extent the farmers on Öland uses complementary activities or has an interest in doing so. What do they do and is there a difference between the southern and northern parts of the Island? How do the farmers look at the future and the coming alteration of generations, do the children in the families want to take over the farm and stay on Öland? What is the attitude towards the World Heritage on southern Öland and is there a possibility to use it in complementary activities? The goal with this project is to produce a work that both Senex Research AB, The county administration of Kalmar, the municipals of Borgholm and Mörbylånga can use in future projects and works.
Question framing: How many of the farmers has complementary activities? Who has complementary activities and what do they do? Is there a interest to start a complementary activity? Which part is will the farming play in the future development on Öland? What is the view on alteration on generations in the agriculture? Do the youths want to take over? Which connection is there between the high natural and cultural values of the World Heritage and complementary activities?
Demarcations: We have together with the county administration of Kalmar chosen six parishes on Öland. Three from the northern part and three from the southern part. Böda Alböke Gärdslösa Stenåsa Kastlösa Ventlinge
Interview selection Farmers Municipal represents LRF (national farmers association) The society of Ölands World Heritage
Agriculture The change and development of the agriculture EU: s environmental supports
The World Heritage of Öland Man, animals and plants has developed the area Linear villages, marshes, fields and the great Alvar together forms the World Heritage The World Heritages foremost criteria is the usage of the land and its division, in a living agricultural landscape where modern farming is going on
Development Progress in agriculture Conditions: Farmers, animals, profitability Grazing the World Heritage Collaboration farmer, Municipal and County administration
The view of the World Heritage Marketing Preservation - development Prevent development Will there be a World Heritage in 50 years?
Division of age
Complementary activities Farm shops Small investment – economical rewarding Encouragement from the Municipal
Who has an complementary activity? Smaller farms Complementary activity takes a bigger part Harvest festival – Skördefesten Differences between the northern and southern part
Complementary activities and the World Heritage Tourism Guided tours Marketing
The Future
Conclusions 58 % has a complementary activity Foremost smaller farms. Farm shops in the south and middle. Rental of cabins in the north The interested already has an complementary activity. Thinks it suitable for smaller farms Agriculture will continue to play an important part in the future of Öland. Positive view of the future. The World Heritage could promote a increase in tourism, which supports farm shops and rental of cabins. There is an interest in guided tours. Package solution: Guided tours, food and living.