Introduction to Computer and Network Security Iliano Cervesato 9 September 2008 – Cryptographic Protocols
2 Where we are Course intro Cryptography Intro to crypto Modern crypto Symmetric encryption Asymmetric encryption Beyond encryption Cryptographic protocols Attacking protocols Program/OS security & trust Networks security Beyond technology
3 Outline What is a protocol? Authentication protocols Other cryptographic protocols Challenge-response exchanges Key distribution Shared-key protocols Needham-Schroeder shared-key Denning-Sacco Public-key protocols Needham-Schroeder public-key Diffie-Hellman protocol station-to-station Repeated authentication protocols Neuman-Stubblebine “Cryptography is not broken, it is circumvented” [Shamir]
4 Protocols Expected behaviors when engaging in communication When 2 people want to talk Buying something at the souq Driving conventions Calling up your friend, … When interacting with an organization Bureaucracy Official visits by head of states, … … When computers want to talk
5 Computer Protocols What sets them apart? No human involved! Automated Inflexible No common-sense What protocols are there in a computer? Hundreds! Communication protocols , http, Ethernet, … Security protocols
6 Security Protocols Communication protocols ensure that communication actually happens Security protocols ensure that communication is not abused Protect contents Protect communicating parties Protect intent of communication Protect possibility of communication
7 Common Security Goals Confidentiality Message cannot be observed in transit Achieved using some form of encryption
8 Authentication Ensure that we are talking with who we think Much more subtle than secrecy How to establish a secret channel in the first place Negotiate parameters of channel Ensure channel remains trusted Authentication protocols
9 Other Security Goals Non-Repudiation Party cannot claim he didn’t do it For auditing, electronic contract signing, … Non-Malleability Message cannot be changed en route For electronic voting, … Anonymity Hide who is communicating Availability User can always get through …
10 Security Protocols Encryption provides virtual trusted channels Security protocols How to establish, maintain and use these channels Authentication protocols How to establish channel in the first place –Negotiate parameters of channel –Ensure that channel is still trusted Other types of protocols Using trusted channels for specific purposes –Electronic commerce (e-cash, e-auctions, …) –Electronic voting –Electronic contract signing, … ED This lecture
11 Authentication Protocols Challenge-response Verify somebody is at the other end of channel Key generation Establish channel Key distribution Bind channel ends with requesters Key translation Use indirect channels These aspects can be combined
12 Some Notation We abstract from the cryptographic algorithms used Encryption: {m} k In particular shared-key encryption Public-key encryption sometimes written {{m}} k Authentication: [m] k In particular for MACs Digital signatures sometimes written [[m]] k Usually includes both message and digest Decryption/verification not modeled explicitly
13 Our Heros Generic principals A (Alice) B (Bob) C (Charlie), … Servers S (Sam) … specialized names Trusted-Third Party – TTP Certification Authority –CA Key Distribution Center – KDC … Attacker I (intruder) Also known as E (Eve – eavesdropper, enemy) M (Mallory – malicious) Trudy, ….
14 Challenge-Response Protocols Given trusted channel A checks if B is there Sends challenge to B Waits for response Get B to use the channel By decrypting the challenge By encrypting the response … or both Used to Test a newly established channel Verify a previously used channel Usually part of bigger protocols Also called authentication test A’s view AB “Hi, it’s me!” “I’m here too!”
15 Guarantying Freshness Reusing challenges is dangerous Waste subsequent transmissions Replay of favorable messages If channel used to transmit keys and a previous key k was compromised, then I can force A to reuse k Response should be fresh Nonces Timestamps Sequence numbers Fresh key (with care!)
16 Nonces Random sequence of bits Typically bit long Generated fresh by originator as challenge Unpredictable Checked in response Not checked by recipient Impractical to memorize them Never reused But may contribute to keys E.g. by hashing AB nAnA {n A } k AB AB nAnA AB {n A -1} k AB Challenge-response exchanges using nonces
17 Timestamps Current time in local computer E.g. in milliseconds Checkable by recipient Element of predictability Recipient must keep most recent timestamps to avoid replay Requires common time reference Allow for clock skew Use secure synchronized clocks Supports for service time-out AB tAtA {t A } k AB AB tAtA AB {t A -1} k AB Challenge-response exchanges using timestamps
18 Sequence Numbers Originator maintains counter Incremented by 1 after each challenge Must be bound with data that identifies channel Recipient memorizes most recent value Rejects values that are too old Similar to timestamp but Local to originator or even channel Cannot be used for timeout AB cAcA {c A } k AB AB cAcA AB {c A -1} k AB Challenge-response exchanges using counters
19 Keys Initiator generates key k Sends it encrypted Recipient responds using k Other mechanisms needed to guaranty freshness to recipient Often done through third-party Achieves key distribution at the same time AB {k} k AB {“Hi!”} k AB Challenge-response exchanges using keys {k} k AS {k} k BS S
20 More on Keys Long-term keys Exist before the protocol begins Do not change across protocol executions Session keys (or short-term keys) Generated as part of the protocol Validity guaranteed till protocol is completed Could be released when protocol terminates Could be cryptographically weak Session (or run) Protocol execution from start to finish
21 Authentication Assurance to be talking with the expected principal Challenge-response is a fundamental mechanism Ensure freshness If channel is trusted, authenticates recipient to initiator Mutual authentication Both party believe they are talking to each other Done through double challenge-response Typically 3 messages AB {A,n A } k B {n A,n B } k A {n B } k B Needham-Schroeder public-key protocol (fragment)
22 Key Generation Protocols … A wants to establish channel with B Shared-key infrastructure Principals shares a key with a KDC Public-key infrastructure Principals have published encryption keys Diffie-Hellman Principals know group and generator
23 … with Shared-Key Infrastructure Each principal has a shared key with KDC S Ask S to create channel Create new key k Distribute k to A and B using k AS and k BS Examples Needham-Schroeder shared-key protocol Otway-Rees, Yahalom, Woo-Lam, … S A B CD … k AS k BS k CS k DS …
24 Needham-Shroeder Shared Key S creates k AB 1 challenge-response authenticates S to A 2 challenge-response authenticate A and B ASB A,B,n A {n A,B,k AB,{k AB,A} k BS } k AS {k AB,A} k BS {n B } k AB {n B -1} k AB
25 … with Public-Key Infrastructure Each principal has a certified public key available to others A and B use k B and k A to communicate securely Examples Bilateral key exchange protocol … CA A B CD … Public data k A, k B, k C, k D
26 Bilateral Key Exchange Protocol h is a hash function Certificates could be included Includes 2 challenge-response exchanges AB A,{n A,B} k B {h(n A ),n B,B,k} k A {h(n B )} k Public data k A, k B
27 … with Diffie-Hellman Diffie Hellman alone cannot guarantee authentication Minimum infrastructure required Public key infrastructure for signatures Examples Station-to-station protocol Found as option in many big protocols IPSEC, ISAKMP, …
28 Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Public data p, g A B Choose random a 1 a p-1 send g a mod p Receive g b mod p (g b ) a = g ab mod p k = h(g ab ) Receive g a mod p Choose random b 1 b p-1 Send g b mod p (g a ) b = g ab mod p k = h(g ab ) g a mod p g b mod p A and B produce a shared secret out of nothing However, no authentication A has no way to be sure 2 nd message is from B B has no way to be sure 1 st message is from A
29 Station-to-Station Protocol This is an authenticated Diffie-Hellman k’ A and k’ B are public signature keys Certificates could also be included g a and g b used for challenge-response Achieves mutual authentication AB gaga g a,{[g a,g b ] k’ B } k {[g a,g b ] k’ A } k Public data p, g k’ A, k’ B k = g ab
30 Key Distribution Protocols A and B possess public keys Registered with certification authority Certificates not available Request signed certificates from CA Examples Needham-Schroeder public-key protocol S acts as key database and CA A and B use nonces for mutual authentication …
31 Needham-Shroeder Public Key ASB A,B [B,k B ] k’ S {A,n A } k B B,A [A,k A ] k’ S {n A,n B } k A {n B } k B Public data k A, k B
32 Key Translation Protocols A wants to send message to B … but no server is around to create keys A exploits existing channels with a trusted third party S A send m to S encrypted with k AS S forwards m to B encrypted with k BS Timestamps or other mechanisms used for authentication S must be trusted to manipulate them correctly Examples Wide-Mouthed Frog protocol
33 Wide-Mouthed Frog Protocol A generates the key k AB S provides trusted timestamping With t A, A authenticates to S With t S, S authenticates to B A authenticates to B indirectly No authentication in the reverse direction ASB A,{t A,B,k AB } k AS {t S,A,k AB } k BS
34 Subprotocols Useful to add structure to protocols Deterministic choice of continuation Protocol behaves differently on different inputs Protocols responds to optional requests Non-deterministic continuation Protocol flips a coin Protocol can request optional behavior Repeated parts Repetitive behavior after initial phase E.g. Neuman-Stubblebine, Kerberos, …
35 Neuman-Subblebine – Initial Part {A,k AB,t B } k BS is A’s ticket to access B’s service n A and n B mutually authenticate A and B ASB A,n A B,{A,n A,t B } k BS,n B {B,n A,k AB,t B } k AS,{A,k AB,t B } k BS,n B {A,k AB,t B } k BS,{n B } k AB
36 Neuman-Stubbl. – Repeated Part A uses ticket to access B’s service … until it expires n’ A and n’ B reauthenticate A and B AB {A,k AB,t B } k BS,n’ A n’ B,{n’ A } k AB {n’ B } k AB