Investigations of Paleobotanical and Zooarchaeological Data from Dust Cave, Alabama Kandace Hollenbach (University of Tennessee) Renee B. Walker (SUNY Oneonta)
Location of Dust Cave
Test and Excavation Units
Entrance Trench
Stratigraphy Hearth Ash Pit Remnant of Clay-lined floor Hearth
Dust Cave Chronology Late Paleoindian Late Paleoindian –Quad/Beaver Lake/Dalton Component 11,500-9,500 cal B.C. 11,500-9,500 cal B.C. Early Archaic Early Archaic –Early Side-Notched Component 9,500-6,900 cal B.C. 9,500-6,900 cal B.C. Middle Archaic Middle Archaic –Kirk Stemmed Component cal B.C cal B.C. –Eva/Morrow Mountain Component cal B.C cal B.C. –Benton Component cal B.C cal B.C.
Current Analysis Focus on Quad/Beaver Lake/Dalton, Early Side-Notched, and Kirk Stemmed components. Focus on Quad/Beaver Lake/Dalton, Early Side-Notched, and Kirk Stemmed components. –These components span a time of environmental change in North America, including both the end of the Pleistocene and the beginning of the Holocene and the Hypsithermal period. –The data from these components represent the greatest overlap between the analyses of the archaeobotanical and zooarchaeological data.
Animal Class 11, 500 cal B.C.9500 cal B.C cal B.C.
Canada Goose humeri cache Branta canadensis (Canada Goose) Branta canadensis (Canada Goose) Cut and scrape marks on 19 of the 23 specimens specimens Cut and scrape marks on 19 of the 23 specimens specimens Located in zone T3, which corresponds to the Quad/Beaver Lake component. Located in zone T3, which corresponds to the Quad/Beaver Lake component. Walker and Parmalee 2004
Aquatic Species Represented
Beaver Humerus (with cutmarks from Quad/Beaver Lake/Dalton Component)
Richness, Diversity & Equitability Richness is the number of taxa represented. Richness is the number of taxa represented. Diversity (H’) is the heterogeneity of an assemblage. Diversity (H’) is the heterogeneity of an assemblage. Equitability (V’) is the evenness of the distribution between taxa. Equitability (V’) is the evenness of the distribution between taxa. Shannon-Weaver Function (Reitz and Wing 1999:105)
Richness 11, 500 cal B.C cal B.C.5800 cal B.C.
Diversity 11, 500 cal B.C cal B.C cal B.C.
Equitability 11, 500 cal B.C cal B.C.5800 cal B.C.