MCMP 441 DOR 101 Pharmacology Abdelkader Ashour, Ph.D. 3 rd Lecture
MCMP 441 Autonomic Nervous System
MCMP 407 Organization of The Nervous System Central Nervous System: Brain and spinal cord Peripheral Nervous System Somatic Nervous System Autonomic Nervous System SympatheticParasympathetic Efferent DivisionAfferent Division
MCMP 407 Efferent division of the peripheral nervous system
MCMP 407
Some anatomic and neurotransmitter features of autonomic and somatic motor nerves
MCMP 407 l Mimic or block the effects of the two primary neurotransmitters, Acetylcholine and Norepinephrine/Epinephrine l Drugs that mimic neurotransmitters are referred to as “receptor agonists” HThese drugs activate receptors l Drugs that block neurotransmitters are referred to as “receptor antagonists” HThese drugs block the endogenous neurotransmitters from activating receptors How do drugs influence the ANS?
MCMP 407 l Parasympathetic nervous system Mimic acetylcholine = cholinergic = muscarinic agonists = parasympathomimetic Block acetylcholine = anticholinergic = muscarinic antagonist = parasympatholytic l Sympathetic nervous system Mimic norepinephrine = adrenergic = adrenergic agonist = sympathomimetic Block norepinephrine = antiadrenergic = adrenergic antagonist = sympatholytic Classification of drugs affecting the ANS